It's my pleasure

By the time Sindhu woke up, it was a little before noon. Even when she woke up, she did not bother getting up from the place. She was rolling around on her bed and browsing on her phone when she heard a clinking noise from outside. She hurriedly went outside and she found Gautham in her kitchen.

"What are you doing??", Sindhu asked. But then, she also vaguely remembered opening the doors for him early in the morning… maybe, not that early but before she woke up. It still did not explain what he was doing in her kitchen…

"Oh! You're up. And this... I was going to make something except there was nothing in your apartment to eat. So I ordered takeaway. Go freshen up and come. We will eat.", Gautham said in a warm voice. He seemed at home in someone else’s kitchen for some reason… he behaved as if this was a regular occurrence which it was not.