My first PTSD Nightmare on my 17th birthday

I remember I was looking for and to my happy birthday my 17th birthday on February 4, 2006 and get some new gauged earrings or ear expanders as they're called sometimes it'll on Amazon I was hoping to get horse shoe shaped ones but I am getting hot shaped ones and tapered shaped ones and other stuff and even a pair of tunnels. I was very grateful but anyway before I woke up I had a horrific dream that someone shot down my family members with a Kalashnikov Before I was able to go to school the next day and then I had to fight off these teenagers who are proclaiming to be Muslim but they were trying to recruit me another horrible horrible cars and trying to shoot my mother down. I remember one of them was named Penny the other was Aleksey otherwise poppy and the other one is also Mohamed not the profit but actually the name and they were school shooters who are shooting people because I thought it was right in Islam they were nothing more than terrorist. I want to confront them they had the song Lisa Bonita by Madonna blaring in the stupid car I pulled them out of their car and gave them a good beating and said that they were not true Muslims and then they were not even close to being human. This is a very dream that still reminds me of where I came from and the fact that I could be under attack at any time and my religion could be under attack at any time by people for claiming to be Islam. I ended up screaming in the middle of the night I could not get back to sleep instead I was horrified and terrified by the fact that the stream even happened whenever I hear laser Bonita by Madonna Island are going right back to the resort for dream and it scared the living daylight I remember tell him my mother on my birthday she said happy birthday Alayna and then I went and said I had a shitty nightmare about terrace and then I was not very happy right now. And I said that I want Bin Laden to be wasted! What away to start my 17 sear of your damn life, Happy birthday very much. I want to continue to celebrate the birthday but I also had the horrific nightmare at the back of my mind still festering I enjoyed getting the gauge the earrings and I think I got another thing I can't remember what it was but I know. But I do remember the gauged earring or expanders. I was very happy with them and I was very happy with the pizza party and going out for another pizza and then watching an FBI movie something a tradition I usually had with my birthday since grade 7 when I was abducted by aliens that's not a joke that's the truth. And I continue I was with my Muslim friends who were very nice to give me the expander earrings even though It was for bidden in through Islam but I really want is true Islam but love and kindness and submission to Allah. I want and I actually find them I am so thankful to them to this day but I need to up having an accident last year where one of my gauges got caught in my bedding and I ripped my ear causing me to have three earlobes one normal ear lobe is a little warped from a gauge and to split of your lobes in one ear I decided I was going to leave the two new earlobes as it is and keep the Foral one as it is as well and not gauge my ears anymore I found that being down with three earlobes was very normal and very respectful and very unique something that nobody else can do unless they do the same thing I did but they usually end up having a sauna up anyways I called his self acceptance and self-love and submission to allow this was a sign from à la that's wise it's post to be how I was forced to look like in the first place from birth. Three earlobes. So who am I to go to a plastic surgeon or a surgeon to have it fixed when there was nothing that was going to kill me in the first place. In fact if anything it would attract people from my ears to my face or start a nice conversation about what beauty really is. One person said that I was a sign from God they were Christian and I believe them because Christians who are proper or actually people of the book as same with the Jews. And so I believe her and I still believe her to this day and I wear my three earlobes with a passion and honor. But I still remember this goddamn dream that I had on my 17th birthday and it still bugs the stuffing out of me to this day when I passed out Madonna's Lisa Bonita was still on there on my Spotify, Now back to my near death experience while listening to this ridiculous song that has caused me a lot of problems.