Authors note

I am just going to tell you that this is an actual event that happened to me last night or whenever you read this book it on my baby years of mine's or weeks ago but for me it was tonight that happened September 11, 2021 on midnight that's when I had the double pass out and almost died and have been to Paradise and I have been promised to Paradis the Fry do forgiveness and also be nice to other people or continue to be nice to other people. Sometimes we have to learn how to forgive even though it is hard pill to swallow and it's a pain in the rectum. Sometimes you have to swallow the pill and endure the pain in order to forgive it is good for the soul and for the mind and body. As I was mentioned in this version or Elena Mustafa's version who was me in the book I could use my actual name because I was afraid I was going to be hated on. Islam is a perfectly good religion It is no different from Christianity where you deal with forgiveness love and compassion as that's what God or Allah dishes out for us if we do our duties properly and not act up or fly airplanes in the buildings are all the other bullshit actions that can lead us to hell. There is a reason why there is forgiveness there is a reason there is now shall respect their mother and father and there's a reason there is not shall not kill. But who am I to tell you what to believe and what not to believe unless some punk punk rocker who is also LGBTQ and doesn't even have a job yet not exactly Islam material but I am what I am and I have been chosen to be brought to heaven in the hereafter whenever I'm ready to go hopefully this will not be anytime soon because I'm getting ticked off with the healthiest things that I'm having. I think I'll make it to 100 I think I'll make my dreams come true and find my actual purpose. As far as you're concerned read up on Islam the proper Islam not the actual terrorist or counterterrorism box or a warmongering box that provide false information or until about Islam in fact just read about the religion itself thanks for yourself and make the right decision if you find that this is a religion that I'll fit you and help you cope with day-to-day life then I'll buy all means like me do cells but if you cannot convert or revert for any reason you can still learn about the religion and its peaceful ways you don't have to be religious you just have to talk to our sometimes and sometimes it's meaning passing out in their birthday suits to talk to our so that is what I'm saying this is not a pile of bull crap this is a story about what really is worth and what is not what really is it Islam is of peace and love and submission and compassion what it isn't about is violence and murder in the name of religion religion is supposed to be about love not hate think about it. I hope you find this enlightening this is semifictional as I said this happened to me today or tonight earlier this evening when I was trying to go to the bathroom and had problems passing out and then the next thing you know I was in a field of flowers both while the normal flowers: The gardens of paradise that I've been only promised to a few good Muslims who showed true kindness and purity. I have been chosen to be going to this place in the hereafter when I'm old and gray. Preferably when I'm old and gray.

I don't know what brought on this vehicle Vago whatever whatever is called the episode that caused me my near death experience and my conversation with Allah what's that even being in a dream and normal sleep but I was actually very close to death for the second time in a month. I still don't know what causes these fainting spells I had one last year and I had to go to the hospital and I battled the doctors with my earrings and saying don't take out my earrings I am Muslim. They are my hijab instead of an actual hijab I told the doctors last year and this happened as well I was not lucky enough to have met our life but I have been lucky enough to make it through to the other side without dying or going to hospital this time. As it is the will of Allah.

Peace be upon you

Bruises (Sufi)