Transactional Relationship

Myra holds her breath instinctively once she feels the tight bodice being wrapped around her waist to hug her figure. She heaves a struggled breath, slowly massaging her hips until Leia asks her to step into her dress.

Her maid gingerly pulls the dress all the way till her shoulders, doing so in a way it almost feels like metamorphosis, as if Myra's doing nothing at all but the magic is happening itself. In seconds, when Myra looks at herself in the mirror, she realises she looks almost like a princess.

The flowery rose patterns on her top modestly cover her breasts, a rather bold look for a noble daughter in recovery. The skirt is a two part, cotton fabric at its base with shorter lace textures added on top.

Myra spins on the spot and the dress follows, sweeping against the floor. Her eyes glitter brightly and once again, she's enveloped in confidence.

Leia claps happily to encourage her, murmuring compliments to the young lady.

Myra steps off the podium in front of the mirror and proceeds into her bedroom, where Jen pauses on the spot upon being bathed in her grandeur.

Jen clasps her hands together and squeaks, "My lady, you're gorgeous!"

Myra clears her throat, fanning herself haughtily. Making a playfully snobbish expression, she sits on her vanity for her hair and makeup to be done, beside which her breakfast platter is well prepared on a side table.

In the little time she's been here, although she's been getting used to the luxury she's been showered with, has also forgotten how easily things can be arranged with her power.

Any basic comfort she'd like would be hers, even as little as having an extra table to put her breakfast while she's getting ready.

"How would you like your hair done today?" Leia smiles, hovering either hand over Myra's hair in preparation. In one hand, there's a comb, and the other has a bottle of gel.

The young noble, ignorant of the question, reaches out for her a slice of buttered toast topped with a sundried tomato and a slice of her newly beloved sausage.

Myra looks into the mirror while her hair's being done quickly and expertly behind her. She feels her heart thrumming under the tips of her fingers at the mere thought of the future affair, after all, she's still new to being familiar with herself.

She's been trying—looking around the place for notable hobbies or speaking to her siblings to dig out any information. "I want a high ponytail~" Myra says after thinking and Leia nods as she swiftly bunches her lady's soft, soft hair in her hands.

With the aid of gel, she lays down any loose strands of hair and neatens the hair on the top of her scalp before tying it into a ponytail. She makes sure to do so with utmost care so Myra isn't tugged back when the tying is being done.

Myra has always been taken aback by her skill when it comes to this, how undisturbed she can be with the cautiousness of both her maids. "You're good at this," she slips in a compliment, realising one in a while couldn't hurt.

After all, after scorning Belrose, she'd need to atone for her sins one way or another with kindness.

"O-Oh, thank you! That's high praise, My Lady!" Leia gushes and takes a step back to ensure her ponytail is done right. With this, she pulls out gold hairpins with the pattern of leaves from her pockets to slide between her hair on the sides of her head to secure the look and add a regal touch to the simple design.

Patting Myra's head on either side to ensure none of the hair is standing afterwards, she takes a step back and bows, showing that her work is done. By this point, Myra has also completed her breakfast, having eaten so quickly while she was avidly watching her hair being prepared. She stares at the empty platter before her, surprised by her speed of eating and Leia notices this as well.

"It seems you weren't even aware you've been eating all along. It's very charming," Leia blushes.

"Aha, I tend to get distracted often," Myra giggles amusedly at her volatile mind. Jen appears at this moment to wipe down the table and take the platter. She glances towards Leia to question Myra's sudden light-hearted mood, who responds with a shrug and a smile nonetheless.

Jen nods back, only happy that her lady is comfortable. After all, nervousness wouldn't be a great impression to leave as the daughter of an extremely wealthy and powerful family. "Where do I head now? Do I still have time before the party starts?" the young noble stands, trying to shake off any crumbs from her dress.

Leia does her the favour of cleaning her up before helping her hands into a pair of lace gloves while Jen excuses herself to return the crockery and inform Frederick.

"By the way, Leia, I had a few questions about how things work around here because I've been having a hard time remembering things since I remember. Don't worry though—I've had my health checked by the family doctor and he says the recovery will be alright. Do you know why Margaret drops by every morning although she's not in charge of me? Isn't it enough that I have you and Jen to care for me?" Myra fidgets with her hands which are hidden behind her back, knowing doing so in the open would get her behaviour criticised by any adult who's watching.

The lace gloves are taking a little getting-used-to against her skin because the material's itchy and uncomfortable. She's learned not to complain, especially in front of her father who's harsh and her siblings who won't entertain her when she's not being strict around any of them.

It's a family that runs on transactional relationships rather than love, because something that happened a long time ago has created a rift that she'll have to fix if she wants to get her way around here. She's been warned in many indirect ways to never bring up the Duchess, her mother who she assumes is dead.

Leia lets out a soft hum to indicate she has an answer before speaking up, "Oh, Jen and I are only your right-hand women, per se. We care for your immediate needs and are allowed to be close to you because we've raised you since you were a teenager. Other maids that come in are only for cleaning and it's only a limited few because not everyone's allowed to get close to the noble children. Margaret is in-charge of looking over all the siblings because she's a trusted maid here."

Myra raises her eyebrow, "How so? I don't like her personality very much. She's a bit old and bossy, I'm quite happy with having the two of you around me instead of her checking up on me every morning. Then… Perhaps I'd be able to make better arrangements if I told my father about my concerns."