Episode 9 - Final Days

During the nighttime, the stars cover the night sky. Rain drips across the streets and buildings of Bludby City. This gives the city a certain chill. Many are inside and if someone is outside they tend to be in a car of some sort.

Tanji has some music playing across his house at the early night of around 9pm. He goes to brush his teeth but as he walks past the window, beams of moonlight directly hit his lycanthropic body. He glances outside because he literally feels it. As he gazes at the moon, he feels himself become more powerful. He says is surprise. "Moonlight makes me stronger all-round?! Now that is great!" He then begins brushing his teeth. Once he is under the moonlight once again, a notification pops up above his bed.

[SUDDEN QUEST: Double Cultivation. Use an Umi Class Breathing Method while under direct moonlight.]

[QUEST REWARDS: 100XP, 2 XP Points, 1 New Breathing Method]

He hastily gets himself ready and the Shiroiumi Breathing Method is initiated. As he does this, he feels a massive rush of power through his body. The moonlight and qi make him very strong. His Nyx's Guidance Art also makes him even stronger. While doing the Breathing Method and slowly reciting the chant, he comments "With this power I could even match a Pureblood!"

The Breathing Method is concluded by him then he receives the hefty amount of rewards from the quest. After that quest, his stats are now as follows:

Tanji Bjornulfsson.

Level 7 [100/350]

Strength: 16

Speed: 14

Defence: 13

Constitution: 17

Control: 76%

Intelligence: 9

(Average human male has stats of 3 - 6)

Species: Werewolf

HP [45/50]

XP Points: 5

His stats don't only increase from level ups. For example, if he got naturally stronger with no level up or XP Point rewards, his stat would still increase.

He follows by putting 2 XP Points into strength, 2 into speed and he proceeds to save the last one.

He then gets a new notification saying

[CHOOSE NEXT BREATHING METHOD: Shiroiguntai Breathing Method, Akakaen Breathing Method.]

It doesn't take for him to click on the Akakaen Breathing Method. It seems like a one-sided option to him. An even faster cultivation speed than Shiroikaen. It's not even a question for him.

At school, Harry doesn't dare to confront him again. He can even handle himself against the Purebloods of the school. The school is disappointed because his blood is no longer useful to vampires. This cuts off a steady source of the school's income. Tanji couldn't be happier about that.

He keeps up his training and has steady progress for a good while using his new Akakaen Breathing Method. It is fast and gives him a good boost to his overall qi strength. He sweeps up a substantial 180XP from minor quests and quests of other sorts.

In his school, Mr. Blake says "You've done it everyone. The last day of elementary school!" Everyone cheers but after a few seconds, the cheer dies down to let Mr. Blake talk. No one dares to test him since he is very strong. He says "It's been a pleasure teaching you all. I hope you all get onto better things. There's many opportunities in a place like Bludby City. Some people here may like to go more to the intelligence route while others might go for a fighting route." As he makes this remark, many in the class look at Marcus. He smirks at the reaction then Mr. Blake continues talking. "I really do hope you all have fun with what you do next. Thank you. You are dismissed." They all step up from their seats.

The halls are rowdy with Year 10s talking to each other and saying their final goodbyes. No one even approaches Tanji. He's never had any friends that entire time at the school from Year 7 and onwards.

He walks out of the main door of the school then turns back. "You've given me so much pain. So much anger. So much negativity. But I can't be mad at you. At the end of the day, the ones that wanted to kill me gave me the power to surpass them. Who can be mad at that?" He laughs to himself about his last comment then turns his head. He walks out of the open gate and leaves the school for the very last time.

He returns home and looks at his uniform. He packs it in a cardboard box and puts it in his closet.

He quickly goes on to research for schools to go to next. He has to go to a free one but this isn't a problem. The schools are normally based on strength and not money.

He eventually finds one he likes the look of. "Farholde Combat Academy." It is an average school. It isn't too good but not too bad. He doesn't specifically look for a good school but just anything he can get. He's absolutely fine with it though since it can make him a City Trooper.

He steps off of his spinning chair then walks over to one of his windows. He sits under the beaming moonlight and begins using the Akakaen Breathing Method.

All of this power boost nurtures his Soul Core and Lycan powers simultaneously. He stands after using the accumulation of powers. Once he is done with everything for the day, he calmly sleeps on his mattress.