
Hey Sammy

How are you?

I am doing well thank you

We are going through an Indian summer meaning that it's an extended summer that may last through October, so people will have to get more fun and not so fun stuff done.   Like Indian summers because they help me get more things done with my photography and sometime is it worth more on jobs around my house or other things that I might enjoy doing or will get paid for doing because I don't have to worry about the winter just yet. I am also not a big fan of exams myself that's why I don't go to school that's why I'm going to be a nail technician or a hairdresser because I'm not a big fan of having radio with the exams in the stuff that go with actual school so.  I remember in exam time in high school that I had to have my parents bribe me with a book just to get me to do the darn thing not that I wasn't a good student I just didn't like exams. I actually graduated with honours and an award in my high school and I could've been up for a scholarship but I took it down because of the exams I just can't stand them. I know how stressful they can be. And I understand. You do what you have to do for your exams

A lady email doesn't hurt from time to time I don't mind her so long as I get to hear from you. I am happy as is. And the sun is out. 50 days until North American Halloween. I cannot wait for the big adventure on October 31. How are you handling things other than the exams.

Hope to hear from you soon
