Gerald looked at Reznor with amusing expressions. "I would have clapped for narrating this shitty story if only my hands were free." He said dryly.

Reznor knew that Gerald would never believe a word he said.

"This is not only a story Gerald. This is a reality."

"And you want me to belive that Reznor?! Please!" Gerald scoffed.

"And even if I say that I believe it to be true then what? You could have tell that bed time story to one of your followers and they would have been happy to hear it. Why me?" Gerald sounded more angry than irritating.

Reznor tsked. "You are such an impatient man, Gerald. You always try to look for your benefit in everything. And that is why you are the one I have chosen to tell this story."

"Then confratulations for successfully wasting my time and completing your fictional story. Now if you are done then I would prefer a cold beer and a sleep than hearing another one." Gerald almost growled in warning.

Reznor shook his head again with a smirk on his face. "You still are not getting it, are you?"

"Reznor, this is my last warning. Let. Me. Go!"

"So you don't want to listen to what happened with the four siblings after God caught them redhanded?"

"Why would I care about it, Reznor?" Gerald asked incredulously.

"Because you should, Gerald. You should listen to the next part of the story so you can understand what you can get from it." Reznor said, caressing his long beard.

Gerald was silent for a minute watching Reznor carefully as his mind worked fast. He knew that Reznor never did anything just for fun except loving that furry ball- Murphy.

If he had taken so much effort to kidnap Filch and get Gerald there to listen to that story, it meant something. Something important.

"Go ahead."

Reznor smiled, already expecting that answer from him.

"Once God caught his children and showed them the destruction they had caused not only in heaven but also on the earth, he was raging in fury. He was turning blind eye to many of their mischiefs, but this was too much.

The impact of that sword hitting the ground had caused severe earthquakes and tsunamis on the earth in which thousands of humans lost their lives. The whole towns burned and disappeared under the lava, and the rivers changed their course.

He just couldn't let them off the hook this time. The curses and the pleads from thousands of humans ringed in his ears incessantly, fuelling his anger."

Gerald still couldn't follow where the story was leading, but he was attentive in listening to it.

"The God punished the four siblings by banishing them from the heaven."

"Banished them? Who banishes their own children?" Gerald still believed that Reznor had that story made up just to annoy him.

"Haven't your parents done the same by abandoning you on the streets, Gerald?"

Gerald tensed, and Reznor knew he had hit the already bruised nerve.

"One more word and I will fucking kill you, Reznor!" Gerald warned.

Reznor raised his hands up in the surrender and then began. "God bound them on the earth as a punishment so they could work hard for the humans and repent the unfortunate things they had caused. He cursed them that their powers will not work on the earth as effectively as they did in heaven.

He ordered them to not return to heaven until they pay for every lost life and every damage they had caused.

They begged they pleaded, but God didn't listen. But to be fair with them and help them with fulfilling their punishment, he sent them as Royals. Of course, they had to fight with the then rulers and overthrow that dynasty only to establish their own."

"You are not serious, are you?" Gerald asked seriously as he thought Reznor had either hit his head hard or someone had cast a wrong spell on him to take revenge on his arrogance.

"You still don't believe that the Royals are not humans?"

Gerald shook his head with pursed lips.

"Have you ever seen them? Or heard how they look or do you know anyone who has ever met them?" Reznor asked, still maintaining that smirk under his moustache.


"Have you ever seen them giving public appearances?"


"What do you imagine when you think of them? I mean what picture comes to your mind first?"

Gerald took a moment to think about it. "They must be at least in their late fifties I guess?"

Reznor smiled, shaking his head.

"They look younger than you Gerald. They look like they are in their twenties. But their age is many times of that."

"You are lying, right?" Gerald still didn't seem convinced.

Reznor sighed. "Oh, Gerald! You always need profs to believe, don't you?"

He raised his wand and moved it sideways. A blur screen formed in the air. Gerald couldn't see anything clearly at first but then the pictures got clearer gradually.

He saw a man- tall, well built with a serious face, sky blue eyes- fighting with a sword. His body was drenched in sweat. But as soon as Gerald got a close look at his eyes, he involuntarily gulped down in fear.

"That is the eldest one- Artemio."

The scene changed and came into view a man perhaps a couple of years younger than Artemio sitting behind a table. Piles and piles of books remained sprawled around him as if he sat in the ocean of books.

He looked the same as Artemio but with higher cheekbones. He had a straight face, no scowl, no furrowing of brows... nothing.

"That is Caelan. He looks like a calm water doesn't he?"

Gerald nodded his head, still in awe.

"But one ripple and that calm water would turn into a destructive tsunami."

The scene changed again and now a man younger than the first two stared straight back at Gerald. His blue eyes held mischief in them. And that playful smirk on his face gave him the vibe of a naughty young kid.

"Don't get fooled by his charms, Gerald. That is Theseus- a trap that allures the prey only for a kill if he wants to."

The picture changed, and Gerald saw him holding a bow and arrow in his hand. By the look of that bow, he could tell it was heavy... way heavy for a human to carry.

Theseus's fingers moved, and the arrow shot from the string, cutting the air only to hit the right target- a log of wood with a white dot on it.

Gerald was impressed by his skills, but his jaw dropped to hit the floor when that log of wood broke into two as if someone had cut it in the middle with an axe.

Before Gerald could recover from the amazement, the scene changed for the last time.

This time his wide-open jaw closed slowly, but his lips remained parted. His pupils dilated, seeing the bare long and toned legs. As the picture moved up, he took in that divine body which was an epitome of feminity.

All the curves were in their right places, and her skin looked so smooth that Gerald couldn't help but feel the urge to run his fingertips on it. He gulped his spit down his dry throat and gasped for air when that angelic face came into his view.

"Divine, isn't she?"

That smile was hypnotising. Gerald would stay at her feet like a loyal dog if it meant he could even be near her.

"And that is the youngest one- Azalea. The most charming and the most beautiful woman one could ever get to see and also the most dangerous amongst them."

Gerald thrashed as the screen disappeared into the thin air. He wanted to see her more.

"Now do you believe me?"

Gerald shook his head to get back to his senses. "Y-yes, I do. But why are you telling me about them?"

"Gerald, the royals are living on the earth for centuries. When they came here, they saw the anarchy that dominated this place. They didn't only have to deal with the humans but also the powerful supernaturals.

They fought many battles, but with their weakened powers, they could only fight a few hundred. A point came when they needed aid. They asked for help from their father.

God was quite relieved that his children were learning their responsibilities. So he gave them some weapons that helped the Royals in establishing their rule and win over their strongest of enemies.

And one of such things was a magical chalice."

"What?" Gerald didn't understand anything he said.

"A magical chalice which was dismantled into three pieces. I have already got two of them. But the main body of it is still far away from my reach."

Gerald ran his horse fast, and then it hit him.

"It is... here? On the Warthford Isalnd?" He asked with wide eyes.

Reznor turned his head and pointed into a distance. If Gerald was surprised before, then he was shell-shocked now.

"L-Longhurst mansion?!!"