Gerald had made up his mind and was about to do something that he hadn't done ever in his life- trust someone, who he had met only a short time before. He was convinced after speaking with Bertha that only she could clear up his mind and show him the right path to walk on.

"I… am confused, Bertha."

She didn't jump on the opportunity to ask him why. She wanted him to talk willingly and not out of obligation.

"One of my friends, they are in a problem. I don't know why though but I know for sure that they cannot last long in that troubled state. They need my help." He waited for her to say something.

"Are you genuinely willing to help them?"

"Yes, I am!"

"Do you know that there is a way to help them?"

"I don't know how but I am sure that there is a certain way."

Bertha smiled. "Then what are you waiting for?"