Gerald and Theodora sat at their ususal place, enjoying the coconut water while waiting for the sunset. Theodora was in a great mood lately now that her mother was recovering fast.

She was talking about the random things sitting close to Gerald. He glanced at her every now and then, humming and replying in monosyllables. But a part of him was running to the carriage that stood at some distance.

He hated how Bertha had found a new way of distracting herself from him. She had begun knitting while sitting in the carriage to keep her occupied.

Gerald cursed himself for his recent rude behaviour toward her. He shouldn't have gone too far in taking out his anger on her. Now he regretted his actions but had no way to make up for his mistake.

"Gerald, I am so happy that even Mr Collins asked me about it. When I told him about my mother's health he was glad too."