"Theodora! Theodora please listen to me sweetheart. Please come out and eat something." Cordelia knocked on Theodora's door again.

She was trying to get Theodora out of her room for the past half an hour but Theodora was too stubborn to listen. After her heated argument with her father over the topic of her not accompanying them on the trip to the Shillingtons, she locked herself in her room.

Ralph was still firm on his decision, but with the clock ticking, his resolve began to crumble. 

Cordelia turned to glare at her husband, who stood silently all this time behind her.

"Ralph! She hasn't eaten even a morsel after the last afternoon. What do you want? Starve your only child like this?"

"But Cordelia, I cannot allow her to stay back alone here. You know that."

"Stop this stubbornness, Ralph! She is not ten anymore, and you have to understand it. This is her home Ralph, our loving Warthford Island!