Gerald had to handle the situation carefully now. He needed to do something before things went out of his control.

"Theodora, I want to tell you something. I don't-"

"Shhhh..." She placed her finger on his lips. Gerald gulped at the touch of her finger. "Let me say it first, Gerald. You don't know how nervous I am. I have never been so worried to speak out my mind. I am scared even that you..." She inhaled a shaky breath through her parted lips.

"Please let me say it all before I lose my courage. Please!" She requested earnestly.

Gerald had no choice but just blink his eyes as a sign of agreement. Smiling at that, she continued, "You were gentle, caring and so amazing, Gerald! You were everything that any woman wants in her life. You are more than anything that I could have ever asked in my life."

Gerald's head became heavy. Where was this conversation going?