"I will not force myself on you, Bertha. I want you to kiss me on the lips only when you are ready to accept me, the way I am. Take your time because I am here... always... only for you! Okay?" Gerald smiled down at her.

Bertha gulped before nodding her head with a small smile because she didn't trust her voice.

Without Theodora in the house, they finally found some time to be with each other. Gerald gazed lovingly at her face, caressing it sweetly. For a moment... only for a moment, Bertha let go of all the worries, her morals, her shame and guilt just to relish his touch on her skin, the feel of his care and his love in her heart.

"I have work to do." She said after a minute.

Gerald glanced behind her to see the half-chopped vegetables on the chopping board.

"Okay, let me help you then."

"Gerald! No! You don't need to. I will manage on my own. Please!" She protested, but Gerald already had the sharp knife in his hand.