Gerald stretched his legs in front of him and resting his weight on his palms to either side, he leaned back. "But then came an angel, my guardian angel in my life to pick me up, hold me protectively and never let go."

The chief had a tender smile on his face. "Your wife?" He asked curiously.

Because he could tell how much Theodora loved Gerald.

Gerald smile, shaking his head. "That guardian angel is not a woman, sire. He is a man- my elder brother, my father, my mother, my best friend, guide and philospher. He is my everyhing... my life!"

The chief looked surprised hearing that.

"This friend of yours... he seems like a nobleman." He commented.

Gerald laughed lightly shaking his head. "He is not as noble as you think but he is a saint compared to me. And with him I am also blessed with a nagging, infuriating, irritable woman who misses no chance of striking at my ego."