A tear rolled down Bertha's cheek as her forehead creased, expressing the lines of her frustration. Her hands slumped down before fisting around her dress.

She was disgusted. Not by Zerith because he had no idea of the sins she had committed. He was the only innocent in this mess created by Bertha, Gerald and Theodora. 

Bertha had no right of getting upset with Zerith or hate him.

She was disgusted by herself. She had a man who was ready to spend everything on her. Who was right in front of her with his heart in his hands for her to take it.

And yet she couldn't bring herself to even think about him in a romantic way.

Zerith felt the tension rippling off her body. Of course, she was tense as it was her first kiss, that was what Zerith thought naively.

He had no experience in this department as it was his first kiss too. So he decided to trust his imagination that had painted the beautiful picture of their first kiss in his mind.