[Bonus chapter]IT WAS BERTHA'S IDEA

WARNING: This chapter contains some violent stuff, including torture and pain. Reader's discretion is recommended. If you are not a fan of violence, then kindly skip this part.


Zerith was getting angrier with each passing second. He knew Lord Ralph would not spare that despicable man's life, so why wouldn't he save some efforts for his Lord?

"Bertha, I am warning you again. Get away from him."

Though Zerith's voice came out as a dangerous warning. His heart began to beat frantically, sensing the oddness around him.

"No, Zerith! You have to promise me to not hurt him." Bertha countered.

"I am not promising such a thing, Bertha, so cut it!" He warned.

Yet she refused to budge from her stance.

Now Zerith was getting impatient. The ominous feeling in his chest began to crawl faster to reach his head.