I genuinely felt touched.

An hour later.....

I sat in the driver's seat.

After a while of waiting, Caitlin finally came over.

she wore a red leather skirt with a tight black crop top, she was probably not wearing a bra because her nipples were clearly poking at the crop top and the piercing on her right breast was totally visible, I didn't see it earlier but she even had a belly button piercing which was visible due to the crop top, and that's why I ended up staring at her chest for 3 straight minutes till the time Caitlin had to herself open the door and take a seat.

"you aren't a gentleman at all, are you? could have at least opened the door for me"

"well I was too deeply immersed in thought," I said as I started the car and drove it out of her villa.

"deeply immersed in thought, more like deeply immersed in my boobs, so where are we going?" she asked as pulled out a black mask and hat from the glove compartment.

I chuckled a bit "I am gonna pick up my clothes from my house and then let's watch 'Zhang-Zhi And The Legend Of Ten Bracelets together."

Since Caitlin's villa was in the neighborhood where all the elites of the city lived, the neighborhood naturally had a log of people entering and exiting, you could only go in if you owned property in the area or were living in the area or you were visiting some person living in the area.

When we were on our way out and registered ourselves in the logs, the guard acted surprised, he bowed and said: "Mr key sorry but I don't have a log of you entering after leaving last month?"

As I was thinking Caitlin ended up pinching me "why is he calling you Mr key?"

That's when it hit me, "I was drunk yesterday when I came in with Caitlin so I gave my name as adam, don't sweat it."

"ahh, it's fine Mr. key."

He proceeded to bow once more and then went back to his box.

Caitlin looked at me curiously "question one, why did he call you Mr key and then even bowed to you?, question two how do you even know the guard for the canyon neighborhood, only elites live here?" she said as she was brimming with curiosity just like a kid guessing his Christmas present.

I smiled at Caitlin and then shrugged "maybe because I worked part-time here or something, who knows"

Caitlin doubted what I said but decided not to push anymore since I didn't want to tell.

she was almost gonna put on her mask that I stopped her.

"come on I just got a super hot girlfriend lemme show you off."

she denied it at first but when I continuously pleaded her with "please" in the cutest way I could have had she finally agreed.

We soon reached my apartment, I practically ran in and then changed my clothes real quick to a white t-shirt with a black hoodie on while Caitlin waited for me in the car.

When we reached the movie theater after we parked I got out of the car first and then opened the door for Caitlin, I bowed a little, I held out my hand to her. "Milady, would you like some help getting off your carriage," I said with the best British accent I could have done while controlling my laughter.

Caitlin looked a little surprised but she quickly suppressed her expression and grabbed my hand "why yes, O, kind gentleman." she said as she acted like she was pulling up her skirt and got off the car.

I quickly let go of her hand, once I realized how tightly was I grabbed her hand.

she chuckled "why did you let go? I am your girlfriend after all."

I felt a little weird since we were just dating to have revenge "are you sure?" I asked uneasily

She gave a light chop on my head "are you an idiot, I showed you off my nude body in comparison holding hands is a piece of cake"

I was probably blushing just a little

"then...." I slowly held her hand but she just latched on tightly.

I looked at her and she was definitely blushing.

she tried her best to play it cool but it was too obvious.

We were walking on the footpath and for some reason, it was unusually deserted, even though it was just a local movie theater with not the best services it usually had people bustling around.

even the road had barely any traffic.

But it wasn't like I was not enjoying my time with Caitlin. we were taking a look at surrounding shops and it seemed like even Caitlin was having fun. we decided to shop for clothes for me because apparently according to Caitlin my sense of fashion was outdated, she picked out the clothes for me, I tried them on and she ended up buying a whole bunch. I tried my best to pay for them but she refused, saying "you are just a student, let me pay for this bill you can just pay your tuition. Oh, and if you have any problems financially feel free to ask me, I am your girlfriend after all. taking care of the money problems of such a cute boyfriend is the least I could do"

Even when I went out shopping with Ella she would just make me buy stuff and order me around. this experience was a first for me, I genuinely felt touched.

There was still half an hour left for our show to start so we decided to put our bags in the car.

But who knew.....

While walking back to the theater on the footpath I practically started running while looking backward at Caitlin as I urged her to go faster because we were running out of time.

but then suddenly I heard the vroom of an engine.

it almost felt like everything was in slow motion. Caitlin's smiling expression changed to an expression of horror she jerked me back with all the strength she possibly could exert that she ended up losing her balance. she managed to yank me off at least a couple of feet back from her and I fell due to the sudden pull and then I heard a loud crash from just behind me. i was scared out of my shit. my knee had the concrete and pain jolted through it, I turned around as fast I could- to see.....