She quickly wiped off her tears with her good hand.
"you at least owe me a reason," I said as I sighed.
she started crying "it's all that bastard Ian's work! he colluded with my assistant and took more than a hundred million loan from a private bank while putting all my property and shares of the company as a guarantee and the period to return the loan has passed completely and they even sent out more than a hundred notices but none of them reached to me. Today that car accident was planned so that when the court proceedings start there would be no way I would be present!"
she punched the bed probably in frustration anger or sadness or a mix of all three " damn it! if only I had not been that stupid, everything, everything I worked for after leaving my family, it's all gone now. I will have to go back to that stupid family of mine who just wants to marry me off to build favorable business connections! it's just so frustrating! that Ian even he! FUCK HIM!" she stopped and looked at me and then calmed down "sorry its just that-"
I cut her off "you needed to let it off"
she nodded
"but that doesn't explain why you are breaking up with me"
"what do you mean! don't you get it I never transferred that condo and car to your name and now they are all going to be owned by that damned company, I am sorry but I wasn't able to keep my promise"
I sighed "alright let's end this relationshi-"
"What you agreed so readily!? can you be a little gentler at least!" she suddenly changed her tone to an embarrassed one "actually I have had a teeny tiny crush on you for more than a year now, remember on our trip to Yellowstone I lost our camp and no one came, not even my own brother. but honestly, I was surprised when you came to find me alone, I finally felt like someone cared for me as a human, even though you yourself ended up getting lost yourself but that night I was able to sleep peacefully for a long while. when I found out that Ian was cheating on me with your girlfriend honestly I felt good, I felt like finally, I will be able to get close to you, so when you found about her cheating I approached you as fast as I could. But at the end even yo-"
I sat up and made a cross with my arms hurriedly before she completed her sentence "Would you calm down, let me finish before making any acquisitions, oh also I definitely didn't get lost while finding you!"
"yea right," she said in a sarcastic tone
I put my head on the bed "I wanted to say let's end this relationship and start a new one not based on any rewards, conditions, or revenge but just the sole fact that-t uhhh"
"that?" she said with a smiling face
"jeez, you already know it!"
"come on, say it how will I know what you want to say"
"sheesh fine! that I like you, I am not sure that I love you yet but I really enjoyed our day out and out of all 12 dates in my whole life I have ever been this was the best one ever," I said as I sat up again.
"Thanks, I needed someone by my side whom I can trust," she said with a truly smiling face.
"hey! you developed a crush on me just because I came to find you after you were lost?"
"huh, so what!? you broke up with your cheating girlfriend just a day before today, honestly, how can you move on so fast!?"
"says the person who was dating the person who was dating my girlfriend!"
"so what?"
in the end, we both ended up bursting into laughter.
after having a very lighthearted convo I asked her "so, where did you take a loan from?"
"K.I. Private Bank."
"ahhh," I nodded calmly processing the information
"yea that company is like a heartless money-grubbing demon it will never delay any loan no matter how serious the problem is."
"ahh, well that hurt"
"huh?" she said with a confused look.
I pulled out my phone and dialed a number, immediately the man in the black suit came inside still holding his Kpad, "yes sir?"
I turned to Caitlin "so what's your company's name?"
she still had a look of confusion as she looked at the man in the black suit and then back at me "uhh Techzen, why?"
I looked at the man in black "mike, give me all the info you have on a loan we gave out to a company named Techzen from K.I. bank."
"uhh, adam what just happened?" she said in a confused tone.
"oh right I forgot to tell you, I actually own the K.I. group."
"What, the K.I. group, the leading group with all of its subsidiary companies having their turnover in tens and even hundreds of billions! That K.I group!!?"
"eh-he-he, whoops?" I didn't really want to tell her that but I don't know why I felt like I shouldn't hide anything from her.