when they got into the car. Ella decided to take the back seat, she knew that she wasn't worthy enough to even sit by his side now.
Adam didn't start the car. it was just plain awkward silence in the car.
Ella finally mustered up the courage to say "adam, I am sorry."
she sniffling again "I am really, really sorry. I was such a bitch, I am so sorry, I won't ever repeat it ever, the two days I spent without you made me realize how difficult it was to live without yo-"
"Stop right there Ella!" Adam said as he smashed his hand on the steering wheel "I hope now you do realize what I went through when I saw you fucking that bastard! also we are never ever ever getting back together! we are done! I just took you in because I took pity on you!"
his tone change "I remember why I started dating you, why I wanted to be with you, you used to treasure me. I just want to know what I did wrong?"
Ella had realized the hard truth, the chances of someone forgiving you after he walked in on you having sex with some random guy and then you break up with him like it was nothing were very slim. she stopped crying "sorry Adam, it wasn't your fault, it was me. after getting a super hot boyfriend I felt like I must be some kind of super amazing person that even someone like you was willing to pursue me. the fact that after we started dating I started getting confessions every now and then made my ego pretty big. I started thinking of you as an errand boy, I am really sorry."
Adam finally had some satisfaction, he started the car and started driving "that's good, let's hope that you won't make the same mistake next time"
"oh I won't," she said in a cheerful sounding voice but Adam knew that she was still hurting from inside "I will try something new next time."
"huh, something new?"
"I am gonna date girls for a change!"
"wha-at? girl you just don't go changing sexual preferences right after a breakup." what Adam didn't realize was that he was a man who started dating another girl just a few moments after his breakup.
"I have had enough dosage of men, now I am gonna try it with women if it works out oh well if it doesn't still oh well."
Adam sighed "you do you."
after a few minutes, they reached Ella's apartment. Ella got out of the car and then knocked at Adam's window. As Adam finished rolling down his window, Ella grabbed his face, pulled him outside, and kissed him.
she smiled, her face still wet from tears "I wasn't able to keep my promise that day, and since we have broken up consider this compensation. I will return your jacket once I wash it because I am pretty sure I wiped my snot from it."
Adam's facial expression didn't change "keep it as a souvenir and good luck, also your lips taste salty for some reason," he said as he rolled up the windows and drove away.
Ella sighed and mentally made a promise to herself, I am gonna work hard and make myself worthy of adam.
she showered and while showering she went through her day again and realized 'how the heck did adam get a ZMW!?'. she then realized that the salty taste of her lips was probably tears or snot or both. she also hopes that Adam won't take her joke about dating women seriously because that can be a problem when they will get back together later.