My day, after losing my virginity went, painful. although I was in a good mood till noon, I felt somewhat airy and my head felt less crammed with all those chaotic thoughts my thought process was hella clearer, well that was mostly because all I was thinking about was last night, everything we did, replaying all that back in my head was definitely making me blush, I could feel my heart rate rising and my ears turning hot. I didn't notice all that last night probably because I was either too horny or just too excited.
But afternoon, I got a boatload of documents on my table.
Mike cleared his throat as he could see I wasn't paying any attention. "here's everything about the side gig you asked me to pull, a gaming store chain where you can play games for every generation. took me a while but everything has been arranged and it's solely owned by you right now, so, these are the documents for applicants, lands, construction, mass purchase of equipment and some more stuff."
I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "arent you supposed to handle this? like I guess I only had the part for the investment, the idea, and the marketing strategy?"
Mike sighed "I have some work today-"
I choked hearing that "you- the mike who never takes leaves unless I force him to, has something to do today? did you finally find your mother?"
Mike sighed and then he averted his gaze "remember Cait's friend Chloe the one you set me up with? she kinda asked me out."
I started laughing hearing that, "Mike, have you finally hit your golden days when you reached 30?"
Mike sighed "stop joking, I will be taking my leave now, she is coming to pick me up."
"she is coming to pick you up!?"
"well, you were the one who suggested the idea to tell her that I was just an assistant at the sales department at K.I. Group."
"It did work out though if you would have said you were the assistant of the president of the KI Group most girls would be hitting on you."
Mike sighed again "fine, I'll leave now." Mike said as he left the room.
I opened up the first document and started reading it. as bluntly as I can put it, it was a pain. I managed to read 18 land offers, out of which 13 I accepted and I proposed a counter price to the other 5. I also went through a bunch of lands that were renting but I planned to completely buy the land rather than rent it.
My eyes started to feel tired, I didn't have enough energy to read anymore, I mean I did but I just didn't want to waste any effort on it.
So I decided to take the risk, I picked up my phone and searched for the contact 'EXTREME EMERGENCIES ONLY'
The phone only rang for a few seconds when someone picked it.
"Hello, who is speaking?" it was a sweet voice of a woman, elegance was deeply sowed in it one could mistake it with some royal's voice easily.
"uhh, hey it's me, how's it going Phobe?" I asked nervously, I never wanted to contact her but she was the only option, well there were other options but this was the only one I could trust and would be completely assured that there won't be a mistake.
"oh, just a second, please," she said calmly and still with that elegance in the voice. from the other end I could hear footsteps, chairs moving, and then finally a door closing.
"you fucktard! so now you call me! I heard Mike finally took a leave so you finally called me, bloody asshole! you finally got enough guts to talk to me huh!? I bet you want me to do something for you, hence my previous offer still stands, just take me out for dinner." the elegant tone which felt deep, had now completely disappeared like it never existed in fact it felt like her elegance went negative instead of zero.
"you know I have a girlfriend." I pleaded
"I know you do, but- just take me out for dinner as a friend or like a big sister figure, nothing romantic we need to clear the air between us, bloody fucker."
I sighed "you almost completed a sentence without a curse word, fine I will take you out for dinner tonight, but nothing fancy."
"works for me, motherfucker. I will be in your office in thirty," she said as she hung up.
I sighed as I placed my phone on the table, I will probably have to change my number again. I have never seen someone with a bigger curse word dictionary than her's, she sometimes even invents new ones.
I texted Cait next 'might be late, gotta take a coworker on dinner."