Two naked beauties

Phoebe grinned when she heard Caitlin say that, although she was using someone's insecurities to get her work done, I don't think she regretted it even a tad bit.

for a few minutes, Caitlin and phoebe just splashed water at each other, while cursing each other at the top of their lungs. it was a sight to bear. two super hot women, one naked, the other also technically naked, I mean the lingerie was already see-through and now that it was wet, it was even more transparent.

I sighed and decided to slip back to my room since I needed to take a break. I was supposed to take a break at the pool, but what can we do-

after I reached my room I was greeted by 18 missed calls 30 minutes ago by Mike. I hurriedly called him back wondering what could have been so important.

Mike picked up the phone as soon as possible and he was practically out of breath for some reason.

"Boss, remember that guy Jacob? he died!" Mike said in a hurried tone yet hushed tone.

"who?" I asked since I genuinely didn't remember the name.

"the guy Jacob, the one who was the rat you investigated last time?" he said in a hushed tone as if he was in presence of someone he didn't want to hear our convo-

"ahh- I remember that guy, somewhat- anyways how did he die?"

"it's probably a planned murder, classic drunk driver truck crash, both drivers dead."

"so, just check the transaction history of the driver and his relatives and find a cash inflow. it's pretty easy-"

"that's the thing boss-" but then someone interrupted mike "Mikey it's not good to leave when things were just starting to warm up," a woman's voice said in a seductive tone, although it came from behind a wall or a door or some sort of obstruction, it was pretty easy to hear.

"PFFFTTTT-" I couldn't hold my laughter in, Mike had already hit it off with Chloe it seems. "hey I hope you did tell her your real job. because it's gonna be a dam good pain in the ass to explain after you have taken that step."

"wait what? come again?" Mike said in a shocked voice.

I sighed, of course, he was just as clueless as me. "well you see, some women might just see it as a betrayal of their trust or some might think you were just using them so it's better to let them know before you get into the bed together."

"I see-" Mike said thoughtfully "anyways that wasn't what we were talking about, the truck driver didn't have any family, no relatives, no friends whatsoever, his documents- they don't exist, he had a fake driver's license and everything on it is fake, the cops are investigating it but, I don't think they will reach anywhere. it seems the alliance has some deeper roots."

isn't that wrong plot though, isn't the driver supposed to have a family which he wants to save or lift them out of poverty?

I sighed "well, continue investigating, do an autopsy on the body if you have to, call all favors you can, I will be back in a few days."

"Okay boss," he said as he hung up.

well, this was gonna be interesting, either they smuggled people in, or have they been raising people in secret, or maybe plastic surgery and stuff. I sighed and lied down on the bed, well this is nothing compared to my romantic life though.

well killing people after using them by a road crash, is classic Hoyle style. I hope that guy's family is doing good. I mean I kinda knew that he will be killed, but if I would have saved him they would have gotten suspicious. well, it was kind of an evil thing to do. ok not kind of, but at least his family is safe.

I was deep in thought when a knock on the door pulled me back to reality. I opened the door only to be greeted by two naked beauties wearing bathrobes.

Caitlin hung her wet lingerie on the coat stand while Phoebe hung hers. which wasn't wet luckily.

after borrowing a towel to dry off phoebe went back to her own room, but only after she kissed me. I still kept my lips tightly closed but surprisingly Phoebe didn't even try to stick her tongue in or do something intense.

"Let's take a shower now!" Caitlin said as she pulled me into the shower.

she threw her bathrobe and revealed her naked body to me. the body which could be definitely called a piece of art worthy to put in a national museum.

the black dragon tattoo winding around her thigh. she had removed all her piercings except her nipple one.

I couldn't resist and grabbed onto her boobs and massaged them. although I support thigh supremacy, boobs are just too awesome and need to be groped.

while she let out a few moans she shampooed her hair and then shampooed mine. nothing better than having a session under the shower at 2 in the night.

once she was done with the shampoo she started stroking my dick, in a graceful manner. I would have gotten hard from only her stroking but the water from the shower added a bunch of extra sensations.

we started washing each other, although, instead of using soap or shower gel, we were practically licking each other, it was great, her tongue was so soft and sometimes she would even try to suck my skin. it tingled whenever she licked. the whole time, my dick didn't lose a single millimeter in size. it was still standing tall ready to get into action.