Date in Elwood

Shaman and Elysia checked-in at the inn, getting themselves a room together. They also witnessed first hand how rooms are created. The inn master had shown them the process and it was rather fascinating.

The wood that the building was made of extended out and would start to form the room. It would make the shapes of the beds and tables, furnishing the room on the spot. Then a wave of green energy went over the room turning it from a wooden sculpture to a modern home.

This confused Shaman and Elysia as they didn't know how wood could create a nice comfortable bed. The inn master explained that it was mainly special effects and that there are magic space storages in the hotel. The wood was not turning into real furniture.


Kiruya gave Shaman a map so that they knew their way around and wouldn't get lost in the city. Leaving them to do their own things Kiruya locked herself in her room to report back to Freja about their trip.