Reset after reset

Silver tried to look for a path to the dummy, but no matter where he looked, there was some kind of trap that would stop him.

'Even if there was a clear path, It would just mean there's a trap I failed to notice.'

"Allright kid: no magic is allowed. I will give you a hint though, the best way to approach the problem is taking it one step at a time. Now then, I'll leave you to it for the rest of the day, so if you manage to complete it, come find me." Shino gave Silver a light pat on the back before walking out of the room, leaving him to navigate this course.

"Thanks, I guess." Silver knew he could easily get by using his shadows, but that would ruin the point of this course. His best guess was that this course was meant to teach him how to deal with both predictable and unforeseeable dangers.