What am I meant to do?

"What am I supposed to do? Elanor said yes, but I have nothing planned at all. I don't know the Demon Lands city all too well and… Wait! Do demons even have shops? Or maybe some form of entertainment? It is a city so I'm guessing it should, but won't it all be vulgar stuff?" A million thoughts rushed through my mind as Elanor accepted my date invitation. 

Right after talking to Clara, I sent a text to Elanor asking if she wanted to go on a date next time we hung out. Little did I know I would wake up to a yes, which is what led to me currently freaking out. 

Conveniently, we were both free tomorrow, so now I had to decide what to wear and how to spend our time. However, none of us have really explored the city, as we neither needed to nor could be bothered with our tight training schedule.