Chapter 40

Ned Stark looked at all the Lords of the North who were here in this meeting room he had arranged to meet to discuss things. Practically all of them, some even bringing their heirs, had marched with a massive army of over 22,000 men. All ready to fight and bring their Liege Lord home to the North. It filled him with pride knowing these men and women were so determined for such a thing. Even more knowing his son had led them and had done remarkably well in winning every battle sent his way.

Not to mention capturing Jamie Lannister in the very first engagement. Incredible!

"First, I wish to say thank you. To all of you. To every Lord and their heir to every House represented here in this room. You called your banners and marched South for me. You risked your very lives and some even risked those of their own kin for me. For my House. As Lord of House Stark and Warden of the North, I will not forget this. Not now. Not ever. The North remembers," stated Ned with many in the room nodding.

"The North remembers," chorused the Lords around him and some even slammed their fists on the table they were seated around.

"Second, I am sure you are wondering about the new King who sits on the Iron Throne. Given his lineage, his history with me, and if what was said in the throne room was true in all things. The answer is yes. It is all true," replied Ned with many Lords nodding.

"With all due respect Lord Stark, why didn't you tell us when you returned? Surely you trusted us to swear to silence on the matter?" asked Lord Umber with Ned grimacing.

"I do trust you Lord Umber. All of you. But it wasn't a matter of trusting you. It was a matter of protecting you from a secret so incredible, if it got out, the Seven Kingdoms would never recover. Especially the North. I had to ensure very few people knew the truth to protect each House here from being burned to the ground or crippled by the newly crowned King or Tywin Lannister himself," replied Ned with many grimacing since they knew both men would burn half the Seven Kingdoms to get to one Targaryen.

"Who else knew the truth before today?" asked Lord Glover curiously.

"Only Howland Reed. He was the only other person aside from myself who survived the battle against Ser Arthur Dayne when we traveled to Dorne. He initially wanted to take my nephew with him and foster Aegon, but I refused. At the time, I thought it was best to raise him as my bastard son Jon Snow. I did this so I could keep a close eye on him at all times and properly protect him from any potential threats," answered Ned while sighing since looking back on his actions made him realize he could have done things differently.

"Why didn't you foster him years later Ned? House Mormont would have gladly taken him. Supposed bastard or not so long as he earned his keep," said Maege Mormont with Ned nodding.

"I should have Maege. Any of you could have fostered him and he would have turned out great under your care. But at the time, I couldn't risk it. Robert had just become King. His hatred for the Targaryens was still burning in his blood long after Rheagar and his Father died. I had to be extra careful with every decision I made given how the Spider had all his little birds just about everywhere whispering what they found out. Even the North wasn't safe from his webs. If Robert found out, he would have seen it as a betrayal, and it would not just be House Stark who felt his wrath. But every House in the North. I could not risk you, your heirs, your very Houses for my nephew. For Lyanna's son. What I did, I did to protect my nephew, as well as all you from such a horrible fate. I do apologize for such a deception, but it was not done out of malice or distrust for you. It was done to give you all deniability and ensure Robert did not unleash his wrath upon the North in a way it could never recover. Because if he had found out about my nephew's true identity, that would have been our fate, and I believe Tywin Lannister would have been the driving force to ensure it happened," replied Ned with the Northern Lords in the room nodding since they had known Robert's wrath and Tywin Lannister's cruelty were not be crossed during their zenith following the end of the rebellion.

House Tyrell was spared Robert's wrath for the most part only because they were loved by just about everyone in the Reach and because they supplied most of the food within the Seven Kingdoms. The only thing he did was tax them more and made it clear none of their blood would be tied to his own or the Iron Throne in any way.

"What happened that day Ned. We want to hear it from you," said Lord Manderly with the others nodding since they felt the truth should be heard.

"We arrived in Dorne and made our way to the Tower of Joy. It was there at the base of the tower, six men including myself, faced what was the last of the Kingsguard loyal to Rheagar. Ser Gerold Hightower and Ser Arthur Dayne himself. We talked for only a moment about Rheagar and where my sister was located. We all drew weapons and did battle. Two of my bannermen fell first. Ser Gerold fell soon after. Ser Arthur had injured my friend Howland Reed and was fighting the rest of us by himself. He truly was a one of a kind warrior. His skills unmatched. My men fell by his hands with ease until only I was left standing. But as the battle progressed between us, I knew he was my better. I knew he would win the day and Ser Arthur nearly did when both swords were lined up to take my head," replied Ned while remembering that day clearly in his mind as if it had just happened yesterday.

"If he was about to take your head, how did you survive?" asked Lord Umber curiously.

"Howland Reed was injured. Not dead. The man had snuck up behind Arthur and stabbed him in the back, the blade used coming out of his chest. Both of us shocked by the act, as I did not expect it and he did not sense it. Ser Arthur had dropped his sword, fell to his knees, and I picked up the weapon before striking him down with it. Howland collapsed onto the ground near him soon after, unable to move. I heard a scream in the tower. My sister screaming. I ran up the long flight of stairs and found her, on a bed, bleeding below the waist. She had just given birth. No Maester was in sight and standing to the side was a small group of Dornish handmaidens clearly too experienced to do anything. I ran to her bed and kneeled in front of it, holding my sister's hand, and saw her staring back, crying with wide eyes filled with fear. Fear of dying in that bed. Fear for the future. The future of her newborn son," said Ned while staring into the eyes of everyone in the room.

"What happened next Ned?" asked Maege while knowing a woman giving birth can lead to complications.

"My sister was always perceptive. Always the smart one. She knew her life was coming to an end. She told me the truth about everything. How she never loved Robert. How she didn't want to marry him. How she fell in love with Rheagar. How she had left with him willingly. How Rheagar had annulled his marriage to Elia Martel moons prior with both of them doing it willingly. How she married Rheagar in a secret and revealed the child was his child. How she feared of what Robert would do if he found out. Fear what Tywin would do if he found out. She begged me in her final moments to protect her son. Begged me in those final moments and make a sacred promise on my honor as a Stark, as a man, and as her brother to protect the child she had just brought into the world. With her last moments of life, my sister gave the boy his name. Aegon Targaryen," concluded Ned while everyone in the room absorbed this information into their minds.

"A man who does not honor his promises is not a man Lord Stark. You did right by your sister given the events before and after the rebellion ended. If I were in your position, I would have probably done the same thing," said Lord Glover with many Lords nodding.

"Aye, I would too. To imagine someone you love dying and asking the nearly impossible of you is no easy task. You did what you did to protect the North from any possible risks to your actions. For that, you will always have my support Lord Stark. Now and always," said Lord Manderly with the other Lords nodding.

"Thank you my Lords for your continued support. Know that I will protect the North as a whole with every decision I make so long as I am its Warden," said Ned with many Lords cheering louder and banging their fists on the table.

"With this issue regarding the new King coming to an end, will you still continue on as Hand of the King?" asked Roose Bolton curiously and it got everyone looking at Ned once more.

"For the moment, I am Hand of the King. Though that could possibly change. It has been a well known occurrence regarding Starks and the South not mixing well. However, until the King says otherwise, I will continue to serve as his Hand," replied Ned with many of the Lords looking pleased since they knew the North was well represented with him in such a high position.

"What of the Small Council my Lord? Who does the King wish to fill its openings with?" asked Lord Umber since such men could try to make moves against the North despite Ned being Hand.

"Varys is still Master of Whispers. He has been secretly aiding Aegon once he learned of his existence. Stannis's position as Master of Ships is questionable though he may take it back. His brother Renly's position as Master of Law has been forfeited since he left prior to Robert's death and is trying to rally the bannermen in the Stormlands to take the Iron Throne himself," said Ned with the Northern Lords groaning now.

"Stannis I can understand given he would have been next in line, given what happened with Robert not having any legitimate true born children. But Renly trying for the Iron Throne is downright stupid!" stated Maege with everyone nodding.

"Aye, but he will try all the same. Aegon is planning to deal with him and Lysa Tully in the Vale soon. I also know the position Master of Coin is now vacant given its former holder is now dead and so is the King's Justice," said Ned while frowning at the memory of Petyr Baelish and his sickening serpent smile.

"And may the Gods send that greedy cunt to the worse level of Hell for his treachery!" exclaimed Lord Umber with many shouting in agreement.

"As such, the position of Master of Coin has been left open, but I suspect House Tyrell might fill the spot unless someone else comes to mind more suited to the task," concluded Ned since such a position regarding the Crown's finances would be tricky business.

"Is the new King going to address these concerns soon my Lord?" asked Lord Glover with Ned nodding.

"Aye, the King will decree who will sit on the Small Council tomorrow. For the moment, we can rest knowing the North is not only safe from harm, but will be well represented at Court from now on," said Ned with a smile with more cheering and shouting about this being a great moment for the North.

They finally had a King with Northern blood sitting on the Iron Throne and an honorable Hand of the King being from the North too.