The Phone Call


Me and Chris were fine, after he kissed me he extended his hands forwards revealing my favorite flavor of beer he brought for me. Though the college didn't allow beer in the campus, we kids always find a way to break the rules.

I certainly needed this beer can right now as I was really stressed out at my dad.

I don't appreciate anything he is doing right now, he doesn't even realise that with his immortal actions like that he is also putting my life in danger.

Though he has kept me secured from so long... But, how would you know about tomorrow?

I certainly do not want to date someone like my dad and end up committing suicide like my mom.

Chris was completely opposite to my dad. He was charming, sweet, and kind unlike my dad who is only a ruthless monster thrashing people around.

But there are a few similarities between Chris and my dad too, both the men understands me better than myself and give me what I need without even me needing to ask for them.

Thank god, I have Chris with me.. I am just waiting to graduate from here.. Two years and I'll move in with Chris and start over without the shadows of my dad.

Chris and I have talked about it.

He is an orphan, and I am practically an orphan too with my mom dead and a dad like that.

Chris sat down in front of me popping open his can and gulped the whole can up in one go while I watched him amused as usual.

This stuff burns so much down your throat, How does he even do that?

I have no idea.

Anyways, he understood my look and laughed it out his fingers went into my hairs and he started playing with my hairs.

I loved it when he did that.. I didn't had the kind of parents to caress me, so whatever I got from Chris in the name of caressing, I took it all and saved it in my heart deep.

After I finished my can the TV in the canteen switched onto a News Channel with its volume up. Both me and Chris turned up our head to hear the reporter speaking.

"The girl is identified as Stella Johnson. She was only thirteen years old- a minor. Yes, A thirteen year old kid was brutally raped and killed in the woods last night. After looking at the evidence it has been said that she was beaten up by a belt and her neck was slit. The sinner had alcohol spread on her body and burnt her body into ashes. It is said that she used to work in a bar nearby. The investigators has also found a man's shirt from the bar which the man must have dropped there in the process of struggling. The shirt also has a Special embroidery done and it's a sign of 'A'."

The screen displayed the picture of embroidery and I felt like my whole world came crashing down.

This patern was made by my mother on my father's shirt. It was his favorite shirt.

I know my father... He cannot rape a thirteen year old.. The girl was even younger than his own daughter!

How could he have the heart to do that to a poor little kid..?

How could he be so nice with me, his own daughter and so CRUEL to that poor girl... who was three years younger than me?

I couldn't stop my tears but I also did not want Chris to notice me crying.

And so, I immediately stood up and walked away in the direction of my next class.

I could hear Chris calling me from behind but right now.. I need some distraction and a boring lecture may help.

I went inside the classroom which was completely filled with only one seat left besides the loner of our class...

Edward Johnson.

He is cute by the way, actually way cuter than all the boys in here. But, I have heard weird rumours about him saying that he likes to be alone and that he do not likes to interact with people but I don't know why I just think he just don't know how to make friends yet.

I have heard that his parents died and after that he became so broke with a younger sister to look after, I think it's not about him liking the loneliness, it's about the responsibilities he had to handle before time that just made him turn into what he has become.

Anyways, I have never been near him so I don't know a thing about him.

I just came down and sat besides him. I scrolled down my phone but my phone was filled with notifications of how that thirteen year old was raped and murdered.

I could not look more into it and loathe my dad again and again. I was just wasting my energy!

He would never stop doing it anyways, I have tried every means now! Even quit food but he doesn't budge! It's like he is addicted to committing these sin.

I shut my phone and looked over to Edward.

He appeared to be startled suddenly and I just knew he had been staring at me.

I thought about hanging out with Chris but he was busy nonstop till 4pm and until then I would just die with this anger building up inside me for my dad.

Hence, I offered him to have a cup of coffee with me.

He appeared to be more than happy about it.

And soon, we were in the Cafe.



All of this appeared to be like a dream.

My Goddess was sitting in front of me sipping on her latte. The way she kisses the brim of the cup I couldn't help wishing if I could switch places with that cup.

I would gladly do that if I am asked for. Given, she should be the only one to kiss the brim of it.

"Thank you for bringing me here!" She said without a smile.

She is really disturbed about something and wondering what it could possibly even be? was starting to disturb me as well.

"Is everything Okay between you and..." I hesitate a little before completing my question, "Chris?"

She looked up at me suddenly from her cup and smiled, "Yeah! Chris and I are beautiful together!" She said.

I couldn't help but feel irritated at that.

But I can't help it! I cannot force her to love me... She is a princess and I want to treat her right!

"So, tell me? Do you have friends in here?" She asked failing the attempt to sound cheerful. I could see the pain in her eyes.

"No! Nobody really likes to talk to a peasant like me!" I said.. I don't know where did that came from, I just couldn't help but want to be close to her, half my sorrows with her and double my happiness with her.

"Why would you say that?" She kept her coffee cup down and looked at me.

I don't want her to look at me like that.. Like, she is feeling sad for me! I want her to adore me, but I don't think that would happen here.

Just when I was about to answer her my cellphone rang. I excused myself and walked in the corner to attend the call.

It was Lily, Stella's friend she was supposed to go over to last night.

As I picked up the phone she cried her eyes out. That scared me but then I heard her saying...

"Bro-brother Edward, S-stella was murdered in the woods last night. She never came to my house! I am sorry! Her-her b-body is at p-police station!"

My Cell phone fell from my hand on the floor and it broke.

I cared less about the damned phone right now, my sister...

Who after my parents died, became like My daughter, DIED?

My mom ordered me to take care of her as a father for the rest of my life, DIED?

The girl I used to get up and fight every single day of my life so that she, she could be in Peace and happy.. DIED?