Going against the Crown Prince

Saito ignored him and turned around to enter the house. The man was stunned by this, he thought that Saito would be getting ready to come to the palace together with him.

He called out for Saito, "Hey you. Don't you understand your situation right now? It is the crown prince who is calling out for you. You have no choice but to come with me."

Saito let out a sigh and spoke out, "Listen… unlike you people, I don't work for the crown prince. If he wants to meet me, then he needs to come to me."

"Who do you think you are? You are saying that the crown prince needs to come to you? Are you an idiot? Do you not understand what will happen if you anger the crown prince?" He started to speak while staring at Saito as if he was some sort of an idiot.

Saito though replied to him, "If your Crown Prince will be angered by this, then he doesn't deserve to be the crown prince. Now scram before I break your bones and throw you away."