Chapter Six

4 years later, 16 year old Princess Judy was having a discussion with two of her friends Princess Tots and Princess Amy. Tots was a princess from a neighbouring kingdom, Jovial land. She has a brother who was two years older than she is. Amy also is a princess living close by Ridgeland. She was from Macmilan. They were having a discussion about a painting contest.

"How are you preparing about the painting contest, my dear friends?" Judy asked and they scoffed.

"Painting you say, ha ha ha," Amy laughed.

"Yeah painting, how I wish I could draw and paint. My brother is a participant," Tots said.

"Wow, your sissy of a brother," Judy mocked playfully.

"Yes my sissy of a brother. How I wish I was taught to paint!" Tots said.

"Painting comes naturally," Judy said.

"(scoffs) painting are for boys. We girls taught to clean and cook," said Amy.

"Huh!" The two girls exclaimed.

Yes clean and cook," Amy continued, "painting is meant for boys."

"No, even girls paint. I paint, i'm a girl," Judy said.

"Yes, you are a painter. I love your works. Who taught you how to paint?" asked Tots foolishly.

"Er, er, I am. A. Natural. Painter," she said slowly stressing each word.

"Yes we know. My brother and I have visited your village to know more about you," Tots said, "you are a natural born charmer!" She praised.

"Thanks Tots," she said beaming, "Amy, girls paints. The Princess of Ridgeland paints, what's her name again?" She asked.

"Anita," they both scoffed and rolled their eyes.

"You think she paints? It was when they learned that your kingdom had an artist well praised, that-that stealer of kingdom, brought someone to teach his daughter. That was 4 years back, she can't even paint," Amy said and scoffed.

Judy thought about how her mother's kingdom was faring. She wanted to send those people out and bring back her mother as the real Queen of Ridgeland.

"Oh my dear princess!" Tots exclaimed, "my brother says he will like to see you in the contest. My brother likes you," she added.

"Really?" Judy asked.

Prince Daniel was a charming prince. All the girls in his kingdom liked him. He was a caring young man. He had never fallen in love until the day he met Judy. He was taken by her beauty and vowed in his heart to marry her. But you see, handsome boys also have their weaknesses. Daniel's own was that he was a coward. He fears a lot and he wasn't brave.