[ 3RD POV ]

Location: - SIN club

Time: - 11: 00 AM

The syndicate members visibly gulped and shrank into their seats identifying the suppressed anger in the man's voice.

Seeing, as no one is answering his question. The man slammed his huge hand onto the glass coffee table in front of him, which smashed into pieces.

" I'm trying to rein in my anger and be level-headed. So, someone bloody open your mouth, before I lose it " said the man while brushing off the broken glass pieces of his suit.

All syndicate members looked towards Okizawa, motioning him to speak up since he was the one responsible for Andrew's security.

Seeing all the eyes on him, Okizawa sighed and steeled himself for the monster's wrath.

"Mr. John, It all started two months ago, at a....." started explaining Okizawa from the very beginning to his boss.

" These are the images from the crime scenes taken by us, the footage from nearby CCTVs and the internet, and the person we suspect is the one responsible. Obata, Can you get a projector? " said Okizawa and opened his briefcase and took out a USB Drive, and inserted it into his laptop.

Obata called someone and a few seconds later, a guy came into the carrying the projector, plugged it into the power socket, and scurried out of the room.

Okizawa connected his laptop to the projector and directed it towards a white screen on the opposite wall.

Images started to show one by one of the crime scenes. In which, the bodies were mutilated beyond recognition. Guts, Blood was everywhere. Many syndicate members went green looking at the images, as they have never seen anything like this before. It looked straight out of a horror movie. The next images are from various CCTV footage displaying, a white man with blondish hair wearing a red suit, near every single crime scenes minutes before they happened.

The images stopped and a video started playing showing an alley at nighttime, where a huge humanoid monster can be seen tearing apart a man with its bare hands and the screen went black.

John looked at the black screen in deep thought, while some syndicate members ran into the bathrooms to vomit.

John came out of his thoughts and beckoned his guards near and murmured something unhearable to them. The guards nodded and one of them started walking towards the exit and left.

John, then looked at Okizawa for a couple of seconds and swept his eyes over all the members in the room, who returned to their seats.

" Spread the word. I want every one of your people looking for whatever that is, everywhere in the city. I'm giving you till 7:00 PM, to bring it before me, or else I will tear down this entire city to its foundations along with everyone single person if that's what it takes to find it. Now, get out from here, but don't leave the building " warned John in a low voice.

Everyone scrambled from their seats and rushed towards the exits while dialling every number in their contacts.

" Obata, Stay here " ordered John.

Obata returned to his seat and wiped the sweat forming on his forehead. After, everyone filed out of the room, leaving John, his guard, and Obata.

" Why did I make you the head of this syndicate, Obata? " asked John, while looking at Obata directly.

" Because I'm your son.." said Obata and was smashed into the wall behind me.

Obata's body started changing. His skin turned green, while his teeth grew larger and two tusks grew at the corners of his mouth.

Obata slid down against the wall and coughed blood while placing a hand on his broken ribs.

Obata looked up and saw John's guard glaring at him, with a look which promised pain, and returned to his place beside John.

" I, maybe the reason you were born. But, that doesn't mean you are my son...Half breed. " said John to Obata, who was leaning against the wheel and clutching his side in pain.

" Get up and act like an Orc, befitting my blood and not as a pathetic human " growled John.

Obata stood up steadily, supporting himself with the help of the wall, and looked towards John.

" I made you the head because I wanted someone who obeys me, to be here and keep an eye on the things happening around. But, you didn't bother to inform me about this so-called monster running around the city, killing people," said John.

Obata hung his head low in shame and fear. John snorted looking at the pathetic excuse of a man and lighted another cigar. The room fell into silence, as only the sound of the clock ticking echoed on the walls.

A few hours later...

[ 6:00 PM ]

Obata stretched his body, feeling the ribs that healed thanks to his high healing factor. He looked towards John, who is drinking his fifth bottle of whiskey, and his guard who was standing in the same place for the last few hours without moving an inch.

" Bring everyone in," said John taking a swig from the whiskey in his hand.

Obata nodded and exited the room.

A few seconds later, the syndicate members filed into the room and took their respective seats. John swept his eyes over each one of them.

" So, not a single one of you managed to find anything. How disappointing...Looks like I should do it myself. What do you think your sentence should be for your uselessness? " asked John standing up from the couch, his large frame sending terror through the people present.

" I'm going to destroy your lives. Your wives, daughters will be ravished by my men in front of you, while you are on the brink of death lying in your blood and piss after I'm done with you " said john while walking towards the syndicate members in slow gait.

Suddenly, John halted in his steps, as he felt a chill travel through his spine and looked towards his guard who was shaking in fear.

Screams and shouts started above the basement and John walked towards the exit and started climbing up the stairs. The screams grew louder, the more stairs John climbed, while a single sound stood out from the screams. It was the sound of someone laughing, but this laugh is different. It gave chills to whoever listened, it felt the sound of death itself.

John came up all the stairs and stood still seeing the lobby of the pub covered in blood and guts. The workers, goons, and security who were alive a few minutes back, now lay dead with their bodies torn apart. Amidst, the carnage stood the person, they were searching for, wearing a dark red suit licking off all the blood from his hands with a devilish smile.

The man stopped and looked towards John.

" I'm gonna enjoy this so much," said the man with a creepy grin.



5:30 PM

" I don't think so," I said dismissively.

" But, you never saw her," said Kyoko

" I met her when I went to pick up the kids yesterday. And that's not her" I said hoping she would leave it.

Kyoko thought for a moment and relented. I opened the passenger door for her. I got into the driver's seat quickly and started the car. I drove the car at speed, so I can drop Kyoko off and get back to Saki.

Two minutes later, I parked the car in front of my house and got out. I walked Kyoko to her house and ran into my home. I switched to Cletus form and went through the back door.

I travelled on the rooftops, as fast as I could and reached the top of the karaoke. I entered the building from the roof access and entered into the 2nd-floor hallway.

I ran down the stairs to the front desk and approached the man, who was spooked at my sudden appearance.

"Where are the girl and the man, that entered five minutes back? " I asked seriously.

" Room 105," said the desk clerk shaking in fear, as it's not every day you see a white man wearing a red suit with a creepy look asking you questions.

I jumped up with a minimum strength and smashed into the first floor. I walked towards 105 and pulled the door off its hinges.

My blood turned cold seeing the sight in front of me. I felt fear, disgust and hate towards myself. The carnage inside me burst out like a dam, covering me entirely.

" Pathetic," said a deep gruff voice inside my mind, before my vision went black.





On a street with wrecked cars and dead bodies, stood a man holding an AK-47.

" I'm Black Gloom of the Vanilla Squad, but call me Gloom and Thanks for the help, buddy," said Gloom patting your shoulder.

Gloom was about to say something else when the radio strapped to his shoulder buzzed.

' HQ is under ATACK. I repeat HQ is under ATACK. All available fighters are to arrive ASAP '

" Duty's calling gotta go. Wait a minute...I have an idea, you wanna come with me and show the bastards hell. Hop on, if you are in " said Gloom while revving the engine of a nearby motorcycle.

" Oops...Looks like this is out of Power. Do you have any extra power stones, it's a long road to HQ " asked Gloom looking at YOU.


Follow black_gloom_ on Instagram for short stories and other works I plan to do.

Thanks for reading.