TIME: 8:00 PM

" Idiot...Shoot him..No..Fuck " I swore, throwing my phone on the dashboard of the car, after dying at 100th place in the last 6 games of PUBG.

" Someone's angry?. Let me guess, You died first again, right. Man, even my 10-year-old son plays better than you " said, my partner, Uyeda Tatsuo getting in the car and passing me the coffee.

" I'm not that horrible...Okay, maybe I am " I conceded, taking a sip of my coffee, noticing the knowing look of Uyeda.

Uyeda laughed at my grumbling face and ignited the car.

" Goto, want to have some fun tonight?" asked Uyeda smirking.

" I'm not gonna say no to that, and I heard that SIN Club's got some fresh stock," I said chuckling.

" Ohhh, I hope they got some tender ones," said Uyeda lewdly.

I shivered in slight disgust, at his preference for preteen boys or men in general. I pity his son very much.

Our conversation was interrupted by the buzz of the radio on the dashboard.

" All available units, near SIN Club. Head there, immediately. Gunshots and screams are reported from the vicinity " notified the voice from the radio.

" Officer Goto speaking, we are 3 blocks away from the scene. We are going in " I Said picking up the radio.

" Be careful officer and don't engage. The swat team is on its way " ordered the voice from the centre.

" Clear," I said putting down the radio and taking my gun out from the holster, while Uyeda weaved the car through the traffic effortlessly.

As we neared the area, I saw civilians running away from fear and the club destroyed and heard animalistic roars.

" What the hell happened here? " asked Uyeda shocked.

I didn't get the chance to reply, as a massive white shape smashed into our car and flattened it.

My body was squeezed under the enormous weight of metal and several metals parts stabbed into my stomach and chest.

The last thing in my mind, before my vision went black was I didn't finish my coffee.



" You're fucked.." Said, John smirking coughing out blood.

I stomped on his chest and crushed his heart under my foot. I looked down and saw the life slipping away from his eyes.

The white leopard roared and pounced on me. I caught it in midair and contained all four arms and legs of it using my tendrils.

It thrashed wildly trying to break free from my grasp. I increased the grip, and it roared feeling the bones of its limbs crushing and bit my tendrils from its arms off.

I screamed in pain and it broke from my grasp, tearing my tendrils with the claws of its free arms. Recovering from the pain, I delivered an uppercut to him, knocking him off the feet.

He caught my neck using his tails in midair and threw me into the wall. Smashing into the wall, I felt a punch to the chest, followed by an uppercut which sent me smashing the ceiling and landing on the ground floor.

" He's gotten stronger. Gotta up the game " I mumbled as I felt ribs and lower jaw healing due to my powers.

I rolled to the side as a fist landed on the place and pushed myself up with my back tendrils. I delivered a punch right to its temple. He got dazed for a second and taking the chance, I landed more punches on him, each punch more powerful than the last one, sending shockwaves through the place.

Encircling his body with my tendrils, I rotated and threw him out of the now-destroyed building and into the streets. I looked down the hole in the ground floor and saw the people safe, and John lying dead.

Nodding in relief, I followed the beast and jumped into the street watching as he rose from a flattened car under him. Not seeing, the mark forming on the chest of John.

Readying myself for another round, I heard sirens and chopper sounds approaching the area. Deciding to finish this quick, I ran towards him, while tendrils flew from my back, picking up the debris lying around.

I ducked under his punch and punched on his lower back, specifically the lumbar region. I heard the cracking of his spine, as he fell face-first on the ground roaring in pain.

I smashed all the large chunks of debris onto him, without mercy. I stopped only after all that was left of him was the meat paste stuck on the road.

I looked above me, as light illuminated me from a police chopper and a news chopper Numerous police cars and swat vans stopped a few feet away from me. I can hear the sound of the guns clicking, the voice of the reporter above me.

Standing at my full height, as dozens of tendrils swayed behind me, I roared looking straight at the camera above in the news chopper.

I saw the police stepping back in fear at my roar. I dig my feet into the ground and was about to jump and disappear into the night when I sensed something rising from the ruins of the club.

The debris shifted and the roar of pain emitted from the ruin and a massive shape jumped out of the rubble and landed on the street shaking the entire block due to its force.

Standing in the point of origin was John, standing naked at 9 feet, which was larger than before. On his chest was a black dragon mark pulsing with a purple glow. Black veins covered his entire body originating from the mark.

He launched himself at me and punched in my gut, sending me smashing into a couple of buildings and embedded into the street. I stood up weakly but dropped in pain, this was the first time I felt it in this world.

I looked around as people are running in fear and my ribs and muscles healed back, as I was once again pummeled into the ground. I looked up to see John standing above me, his hands raised above his head.

I lay in the crater, as he delivered punch after punch on me. My body is healing as fast as it could, but his speed and power were too much. I can't keep up with his new speed, all I could see is a blur before nerve-wracking pain assaults me.

' No pain is gonna stop me. I ain't weak. ' I thought angrily and using every fibre of power of my body. I kicked him hard on the chest, knocking him a few feet back.

Standing up from the crater, I roared in rage and sprinted straight at him. Using my sense to the maximum, I saw him preparing to punch me using his right arm. I crouched low, as the punch skimmed above my head and kicked his calves.

John lost his footing and fell backwards. Tendrils of red stabbed into limb joints and collarbone holding him down, as I jumped high and landed on him, embedding him into the street.

I started punching him across the face, breaking his jaw and knocking his teeth off, while dozens of tendrils stabbed into his body mercilessly.

" Ma..s..ter..Sa..v..e...me," begged John whimpering.

"Who the fuck are you talking to? " I questioned grabbing his hair at the roots.

John froze for a second, and his eyes changed to purple colour and the next thing I know, I'm inside a gigantic palace with tall pillars decorated with jewels and gold, dragon paintings on the walls and a throne.

Sitting on the throne is a man with shoulder-length hair, purple eyes wearing a black suit looking at me smiling.

" Carnage...hmmm.I remember now, it's from marvel. It's been so long since I saw their movies, I watched them for the women. Marvel women are so hot, so any new girls in them, fellow reincarnator " asked the man smiling, while his eyes shone in purple.


Hope you liked it.