chapter 1, how they all met

Hi! Jack said "H-hello" Makenna said back, Rosie heard Makenna talking to someone so she came to her room and opened up the door, "hey is everything ok in here sweetie? Who are you talking to?" As she said when she opened the door, they both stopped and looked at Rosie, "who is that and how did you get here!?" Rosie said as she gasps a bit, "I don't know I was in my box and I got out of there and I was here so I don't really know" Jack said as he looked at her in a bit of fear, "so your a Jack in the box demon"...Rosie said, "well I don't know what I am I just live in the box and I come out when ever someone winds it up, that's where I live is in the box" jack said as he calmed down a bit still standing there," well you can stay here you seem harmless to me and Makenna" she said as she looked at Makenna, "I'm guessing you made a new friend? Yes I did mom!" Makenna said as she gave her a smile "and he is really nice too" as she looks back over to Jack, "friends?" she says "f-friends" he says back, Rosie then closed the door and went back to doing what she was doing still wondering how she didn't know that Jack in the box before she bought it, after a couple of years passed they grew up together but they made a couple of friends along the way…As Makenna was walking home back from the store because her mother sent her out to get some ingredients for dinner tonight, she crossed over the wooden bridge..she always hated the bridge because it looked like it was going to fall apart anytime soon, as she took another step she fell thru it before she knew it she fell Thru and she grabbed on to the wooden handle she was only holding on to that but if she let go she would fall and hurt herself or even worse kill was a 14 foot drop below her so if she fell it wouldn't end good, she wasn't even thinking that she could have opened up a portal no she was so scared all she thought about was holding on and not letting go before she could even scream for help her hand slipped..she closed her eyes but then she felt someone..Something grab ahold of her and Take her to the other side she opened her eyes when she was sat on the ground she saw a boy he looked about 20 he wasn't even close to her age she was only 17, she blushes a bit and said thank you so much how can I repay you as she looked at his wings and halo, that's odd he's different there's two halos and three sets of wings and he had a half gas mask on with a jacket and jeans on his wings glowed a bright white-ish yellow, he just looked at her, he didn't say anything to her, "hey wanna be friends?" he said but he knew this was a bad idea, she said Mhm and as he said "my names mute by the way" he turned around and and disappeared as he flew off, she stood there for a bit and turned back around and was very thankful for what he did for her as she started to walk back to her house..(HEY! I hope you guys like how mute and Makenna met! But we are not done yet love!) As Makenna walked down the stairs from her room to watch tv she felt like something wasn't right in with living room Tv she could feel it in her gut but she just shook it off as she got there and turned it on and sat down on the couch wrapping herself up in the blanket that Rosie made for her, she was flipping thru the channels as the TV stopped and froze, she looked in confusion at the tv as something came out, "WHAT THE HELL!?" she said scared and yelling a bit "what the hell are you and who are you" Makenna said as she hopped off of the couch and went to the kitchen as a scythe appeared in her hands, she was ready to fight this...this thing! As the person that can out of the tv and stood up straight it started glitching as it spoke it said "did I scared you?" As it looked at her in excitement "yes you fucking did, now who are you and what do you want!?" She said as she held her scythe and gripped it tight ready to fight if he tried to attack her "whoa there foxy girl no need to fight me I just wanted to scared you" he said "also my names glitch and I'm a electric demon" he said as looked at her and smiled "what did you just call me!? "My name is Makenna not foxy girl" she said looking at him a bit mad, they both looked at each other as the scythe disappeared from her hands as she stepped closer to him, looking at him stepping closer until she was standing in front of him as he started to pat her head giving her a smile as he looked down at her and went into his human form, after that day they was best friends all of them was and they hung out like almost everyday from there on out, after days went by and even a year too one day Rosie called Makenna down stairs and sat her down to talk to her "Makenna! sweetie? can you come down here we need to talk for a sec!" Rosie said as she sat on the couch waiting for her to come down and join her, "coming mom!" Makenna said as she ran down the stairs coming down seeing her mom on the couch sitting down there with her, Rosie looked a bit worried as she did, "is everything ok mom?" Makenna said as she looked at her mom and saw that she was a bit worried, "Makenna we need to talk about something important and am serious about this" Rosie said looking at her with a straight face "I work with the black foxes and am one of there top assassins and I want you to work for them, they said that they would train you and everything." Rosie said, Makenna sat there she knew that her life would change if she said yes, As Rosie was explaining it to Makenna she said yes before she knew it...after saying that she knew her life was going to change, "wait really!?" Rosie said she looked at her in surprised, "yes ill join you" Makenna said a bit scared, Rosie stopped for a moment and looked at her and continue explaining how things would go for her and what would happen after a bit she went on up to her room, some weeks passed and Rosie had to go on a mission late at night...but she never came back that night..