Chapter 4 Watch Your Performance

Lavinia was silent for a while: "I got it."

She knew that she needed the money.

She said bye to her brother, but her mother still didn't wake up. Then Lavinia went back to the company, passed the Electric Appliance Store on the way, and Lavinia went to buy a recording pen.

"Lavinia!! Here you are! Come and sit. "As soon as she entered the office, Manager Jack asked Lavinia to sit down with a big smile, and poured her a glass of water enthusiastically.

Thinking of the drink he gave her before, Lavinia didn't dare to take this one.

Manager Jack seemed to read Lavinia's mind, and he changed her cup with his own, and then smiled again: "Lavinia, how is your mother?"

Lavinia didn't know what medicine he sold in the gourd, so she directly lied to him: "Manager Jack, I didn't go to the hospital just now, I went to the villa. Although you threw that dress away, I have found the bug."

Manager Jack's face didn't show any panic. "Lavinia, do you have any evidence to prove that I installed this bug? Who can prove that I eavesdropped on you? "

"Well, that." Lavinia smiled to Manager Jack, " Jack, I won't just let go of this matter, don't think that I’m like Lucy, or other women who are weak and never dare to fight back! If you don't want to solve it, then I will call the police! "

This time, Manager Jack's face changed: "Lavinia … why are you doing this? Think about it carefully, what is more important? This threaten or your mother's life? "

Lavinia was silent.

In order to cure their mother, her brother was willing to sell kidneys. So, she could also …

"Lavinia, this is your bonus, 100,000."Manager Jack handed over a briefcase to Lavinia. "We have to cooperate for a long time in the future, right?"

"Do you know a lot about my family?" Lavinia smiled and asked, "Do you think 100 thousand is enough?"

Manager Jack's face turned black immediately: "Lavinia, ask those women about how much bonus they got. 100,000 is already good, because you are serving Chris, you know? "

Lavinia had to grind her teeth to endure the insult of his words: "I still need 500 thousand, just lend it to me."

"It's not impossible to lend you money ..." Manager Jack licked his mouth. He stood up and walked to the desk and took out a document and turned directly to the last page. "Sign this to ensure that you won't make trouble again in the future. Then 500,000 will be transferred to your card immediately."

"Good." Lavinia gritted her teeth and wrote down her name, in the subtle look of Manager Jack, she took a taxi back to the hospital.

"Erik, I have paid for the surgery."

Lavinia just wanted to say that she came to accompany her mother tonight and let her brother go home to rest, but her cell phone rang.

A strange number sent a text message with only one sentence:

"Come to Suburb Villa at 9 o'clock tonight."

Lavinia forcibly held her mobile phone and her knuckles turned white.

The mobile phone rang again, and the second text message came in as: "Wear the skirt yesterday."

Lavinia looked up at his brother, but fortunately he didn't notice her appearance.

Lavinia turned her back and shook her hand and replied to the strange number: "FUCK OFF!'

A minute later, the phone rang again.

That's a picture, and it should be a contract. Lavinia enlarged the photo, which was a contract of 500,000, to the effect that she had to fulfill her obligation as Chris's "lover".

Her SIGNATURE was also below.


The five hundred thousand was not lent to her, but was the fee for being a prostitute of Chris!

Behind the screen, the person who should be Chris sent another line: "If you don't come on time, please prepare for the money of ten times the liquidated damages."

Ten times of five hundred thousand is five million!

Lavinia pressed Manager Jack's number, but was hung up after it rang a few times.

She called again and still got hung up.

It's almost nine o'clock, and Lavinia stopped a taxi.

The sharp sound of the doorbell was like a sharp sword inserted into her heart. The weather was not cold, but she only felt frozen.

A strong hand grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the villa. The familiar cologne smell came from him.

Chris pinched Lavinia's chin and forced her to look up. "Why didn't you wear yesterday's skirt as I asked?"

Lavinia slapped his hand off: "Mr. Konev really is bossy, and even bullied a small employee with people like Jack."

"Bullying you?" Chris frowned.

Lavinia took out a voice recorder from his bag.

Jack’s arrogant voice came out from the inside, Chris's eyebrows wrinkled deeper and deeper, and his anger was easily seen by Lavinia.

After listening to the recording, he took out his mobile phone and made a phone call: "Jack made a recording in the villa yesterday. Go and find it out. Make him tell the truth."

Chris then hung up the phone and came over again. The cold fingertips held the jaw of Lavinia--hard.

"Are you satisfied? Since you have received my money, please do what you should do for me, okay? "Chris's slightly scrawny fingertips slid over Lavinia's lips.

His touch made the memories of last night rush to her mind. But Lavinia pushed him away with, somehow, a gust of courage. She reached out to twist the door lock of the villa.

However, when she turned, she fell to the ground.

Her knees fell hard on the marble and the pain made Lavinia almost cry out, the next second, her whole person was dangling up in the air.

Chris's powerful arms wrapped around her waist, took her into the bedroom and threw her in the middle of the big bed: "I have no patience with women, so don't overdo it."

Lavinia got out of bed and wanted to run, but Chris's next words made her whole body solidify. "Erik of Elite University, a real talent. If his future is destroyed, it would a pity, don't you think?"

Lavinia was frozen.

"Chris please, you are a generous man, don't hurt my brother ... please ..." Lavinia voice was shaking.

"It depends on your performance." Chris's face let out a hint of ridicule. "What did you do last night? Have you forgotten?"

Lavinia ripped Chris’s tie aside, stretched out her hand to unbutton his shirt.

"Look at your speed, I'm afraid I can't finish it by tomorrow morning."

Speaking of that, he picked her up and walked into the cloakroom next door.

There was a huge mirror hanging on the wall of the cloakroom. Chris threw her on the carpet in front of the mirror and sat on the sofa at rest.

"Take it off yourself."

"What ..." Lavinia stared at him in her big eyes. In a place like this, he forced her to do this kind of thing? This kind of disgusting and shameful thing?????????

"I don't want to repeat it again." Chris said coldly.

For the sake of my brother ... Lavinia endured tears and unbuttoned her clothes.

"Turn around." Chris said again.

Lavinia turned to face the mirror, slowly unbuttoning with her hand shaking, her coat was torn open.