Chapter 39 I heard that the sales have to sleep with people.

"Well, Lavinia, I heard you found a boyfriend?"

The monitor's question was very implicit. He heard that Lavinia became a mistress. He couldn't help but want to remind her for fear that Lavinia would be cheated of money outside at a young age.

"Well, It's just an ordinary relationship. I know what you are talking about. But those are rumors."

Lavinia lived a magnanimous life. Although she got close to Chris because of money before, now they are just a normal couple, aren't they?

"That's wonderful. You know I was freaking out when I first heard that you were in love with a man much older than you."

The monitor was really good for Lavinia. Since school started, he had always appreciated this woman. But he still had self-knowledge and knew that Lavinia would never be together with him. But, since they couldn't be the lover, it's not impossible to be good friends.