Chapter 58 Evans Destroys

"Mom, Evans is very busy recently. I haven't contacted him for a long time. You should worry about your body first. You only know to worry about others and don't worry about yourself at all."

Lavinia worried that Judy would continue to ask. So she just dealt with her in the same fierce tone as before.

"I do this for you. Aren't you worried about becoming an old girl? I think Evans is very good. He is filial and good to you. Anyway, you are both old enough to get married. Why don't you take advantage of my better health and get the marriage certificate?"

Why was she talking about the marriage certificate again?

Seeing Judy in high spirits to get married, Lavinia was even more afraid to say they have broken up with Judy.

"Mom, I heard that my brother had been promoted. Let's find a good time to celebrate. When the time comes, let my brother invite us to dinner."

Lavinia put the last dish on the table, wiped the oil off her hands, and successfully changed the subject.