Chapter 65 Mrs.Konev’s solution

Chris was in the company. When he saw the word "Mrs. Konev," he knew that this call was not easy to answer.

But he didn't dare to hang up.

"Mom, I'm working. What's the matter?"

To make Vivian feel that he was swamped, Chris deliberately turned over the documents to sound.

"Son, the voice of turning over documents is a bit fake. Let's say a few words, and I’ll let you go."

Vivian had a high status at home, so Chris and his father dare not provoke her. In the end, they only had to give in to Vivian's bullying.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

When it was rare to meet Chris's patience, Vivia seemed to be happy and much calmer.

"I heard that you found a girlfriend? Aren't you going to introduce it to your parents?"