I sat on my new bed after unpacking and after a good shower.
I was in my sleeping shorts and a T-shirt. I tied my hair into a bun and put on the TV.
It was past seven pm. There was still a hell of noise in the hallway. Boys were still around and the freshmen were excitedly walking up and down, chatting while admiring their new environment.
I picked my school timetable and looked at it.
Apparently we had meals at nine in the morning, two in afternoon and eight in evening. Nice. At least I would have something to eat. Luckily we were gonna have dinner that night. I'd not eaten the whole day.
I watched TV till eight. I heard the other girls and some boys that still hung around, leave for dinner.
I got up and adjusted. I wore my thongs(slippers) and left the room. My short was baggy and reached my knees. I pocketed my hands and left my room.
As I locked my door, my neighbour came out of her own room.
"Hi." she smiled, locking her door, "You're my neighbor, huh?"
I looked at her but didn't really smile back.
"Yeah, I guess."
"I'm Moe. Short for Monica." she stretched a hand out. I hesitated but then shook her hand.
"Wow. Rare name. You're a freshman right?"
"Yeah. And you?"
"Senior year."
"Oh, okay."
"Welcome. See you later." she smiled and walked away. I shook my head and followed the crowd.
We left the dormitories and headed for the big cafeteria building.
We walked through the lighted streets of the campus. We were many as a lot of boys left their own dormitory and were heading for the cafeteria too.
I was on my own, not wanting to make any new acquaintance.
There was a lot of fidgeting as we moved. A lot of laughing, discussing and so on. Many were in groups and some in twos. I guessed they were mostly second and third year students or freshmen who met with some of their mates from highschool. I couldn't meet any of my mates. I was the only one who'd applied for Greenwill university. The rest had applied for other universities.
I was about to enter the building when a sudden group of laughing boys pushed one of their friends playfully, causing him to push me in return and walk on my foot. Luckily I didn't fall.
The boy whom they'd pushed turned to me and the smile on his face faded.
"Oh, I'm so so sorry." he stated while his friends still chuckled at him.
I gave him a nasty stare and he stepped back.
"I'm sorry. Once again."
I rolled my eyes and entered the building. As I entered, I heard one of the boys speak;
"Woah. The look she gave you."
I ignored them and went to join the line. From their appearances, they were clearly as young as me. They were freshmen too. Fresh from you highschool.
I finished my plate of spaghetti with total satisfaction. The meal was great. I did not have a covered bowl to take the food back to my room so I ate in the cafeteria with a few others.
I got under the covers for a good night's sleep. The next day was going to be course registration. I already had in mind, what I would be studying.
I slept off peacefully.
The next day, I was up by nine. Never had I slept for so long. But it felt good though. From Monday, things would change and so I had to profit now.
The registration was at twelve pm and so I arranged my stuff and got all clean.
I didn't leave my room until the exact time.
Other freshmen and I headed for the administrative building for our registration. We were given forms to fill.
I chose to study Law. My second choice just in case was philosophy.
The registration was fast and soon we could go.
That night, I prepared the clothes I'd wear the next day along with my school stuff.
I had two ledgers and yes, I knew they were not enough for the whole course. But luckily for me, I was among the lucky scholarship owners. The school had offered me a laptop. How great. Not all those who'd gotten a scholarship were given a laptop.
Anyways, I was impatient to begin school as a university freshman. And I knew everything would go on well.
Monday at last!
As early as ever, I was in class with the others at exactly seven AM.
The amphitheatres in which we had our lectures were huge. The one we were presently in could take at least three hundred students.
I found a seat somewhere in the middle.
There was a lot of fidgeting as our professor hadn't arrived yet.
I put my laptop on the table and patiently waited.
Just at that moment, I received an SMS from Yazz. A smile spread across my face. She'd asked me to call her, and so I did.
"Hello, Yazz!"
"Hello, Harl! Girl I miss you! How's it going??"
"I miss you too, Yasmin. Everything's fine so far."
"How's your first day?"
"I'll call you at the end of the day to let you know."
"Alright! I'll be waiting! Don't forget to DM me okay? Before you call."
"Yeah, I will. Bye honey."
I hung up, feeling nostalgic all of a sudden. I missed my mother. I missed my Brownsville, I missed Yazz and our friends. I missed king.
As I thought, I noticed some girls at the other side of the room, staring at me. They would stare and fidget. Seemed they were gossiping about me because one looked at my ripped jeans and giggled mockingly.
I looked away, ignoring how stupid they were.
There was a guy sitting close to me and I was very quite surprised when he leaned over to read my name on the notebook I'd put on the table. Like the hell? Didn't he know the meaning of personal space?
"Got a problem??" I asked dryly looking at the guy as he sat up again.
"Sorry." he smiled, "You've got a weird name. Harlem."
Like seriously?
I gave him a cold stare and he adjusted. He looked eighteen too. Or nineteen. And he looked like a kid from a wealthy family. The kind of 'soft baby' who didn't do his laundry himself.
"But it's nice though." he continued.
I ignored him. The rich kid didn't give up. He still stared at me. If he spoke to me again, I might say something that might anger him a little.
But of course, as expected, he spoke again.
"My name's Lucas. I am–"
"Gay." I cut in to his surprise. He stared at me in silent shock.
I didn't smile though it wanted to laugh but turned to him too, waiting for him to get angry, get up and change his seat. But he didn't.
"Oh my god, what makes you think I'm gay??" he asked amused.
I got confused. He wasn't annoyed one bit but seemed to find the situation funny.
"I was going to say I'm also a freshman here but you suddenly said gay." he chuckled, " What makes you think so?"
Maybe the fact that he looked like a pampered spoiled kid. Of course I knew he wasn't gay but I'd said that to shock him and drive him away. But it didn't work.
"You're not answering?"
I stared at his face and found my answer.
"Because you're beautiful?" the words seemed awkward but they were true.
He stared at me wide eyed, with a mixture of surprise and amusement in his expression.
"I am what?"
"The professor's here." I said relieved as the professor walked in. I didn't want to to speak to this guy. He was boring the hell out of me with his stupid questions.
Luckily, the lectures began.