There was a pool at the backyard and of course, there were people in it, drinking and partying.
"There's the mini bar." Lucas said, pointing at it.
We made our way through the crowd to the mini bar where we sat down.
He let me order first and I did. I ordered a cup of beer. Then he ordered.
"Soda please." he told the barman. I looked at him surprised.
"Soda?" I asked.
"Yeah. I don't drink alcohol." He replied, with a little smile.
"And why?"
"Well because I'm not old enough to drink." he mused.
My brows shot up.
"How old are you?" I asked.
"Just turned Nineteen."
"Just turned eighteen. But I drink and I'm not dead. What you're saying is ridiculous. No one will know if you drink." I rolled my eyes and sipped my drink.
"That's how I am. I don't break rules."
"It doesn't surprise me one bit." I said a little dryly.
He looked at me.
"What do you mean?"
'That you're a baby.'
"Nothing. Forget it. Do what you want."
He stared at me for some time.
"You don't like me." he stated. I looked at him with an amused look.
"I don't even know you."
"Then why don't you try to know me before judging me."
I looked at him like he'd just said something stupid.
"I'm not judging you. I don't remember saying anything."
"You don't have to. Your actions prove what you think."
I smiled and shook my head.
I put my cup down and stared at him.
"Alright, Mr wise. What am I thinking now?" I folded my arms. He stared at me silently and smiled a little. "I'm waiting." I added.
"Alright. You're asking yourself what you're doing sitting here with a spoiled brat who drinks soda at hot parties"
I widened my eyes playfully and clapped.
"Wow. That's exactly what it is. And that reminds me that I shouldn't be here."
"Please, don't go."
I raised a brow at him.
"Uh because, I think you should finish your drink first."
"Whut?" I asked, amused.
He was about to say something when three drunk and shirtless senior year boys approached us.
"Heey, Lulu!" they laughed drunkenly, referring to Lucas as they approached.
"Oh no." Lucas mumbled, rubbing his temple.
"Who are they?" I whispered.
"Senior sigmas."
I watched them come over in amusement. Apparently they liked to disturb Lucas especially.
"Lulu!" one said, laughing like crazy and putting an arm around Lucas's shoulder. I tried not to laugh.
"Yes, senior." he replied.
"Aaaw man. Call me Carl!HAHAHAHA!"
the others joined in the mad laugh.
One turned to me.
"W– who are you?" I was asked.
"A Beta theta freshman." I replied.
"Oh are... lulu and you friendssss??" he asked drunkenly.
The first one, laughed and spoke,
"Lulu is our fav! Our favorite sigma baby!"
I saw how uncomfortable Lucas was as he reddened.
"Really?" I asked, amused.
"Yes! He's a funny lil dude. Hahahaha!"
"And cute too! Baby faced! Hahahaha!" the other laughed.
"And he's scared of girls!"
The three laughed like crazy. I raised my brows in surprise.
"Don't listen to them." Lucas quickly said.
At that moment, Rick appeared at the house's entrance and called,
"Where's Lulu??" he shouted above the loud music.
"Here!" he raised a hand.
"Come here! I gat something for ya!"
I stared at the whole scene in amusement. Poor Lucas. Lucas lazily stood up.
"Gotta go." he said and walked away, accompanied by the three drunkards.
And it was only his first day. Would he survive?
Honestly, the girls were better.
After finishing my drink, I felt like urinating and so, I went to the toilets.
They also had guests' toilets in that house.
I entered the females' washroom and got into one of the cabins.
While I did what I had to, I heard a girl in the next cabin, throwing up. Too many drinks.
I then heard girls walk in. I recognised the two voices. They were Bella and another girl from our group.
"I just hate her! Ugh! Why the hell was she chosen?" Bella asked, annoyed.
"It surprised me too. She has nothing to do here."
I guess they were talking about me.
"She really thinks she's everything. With her ghetto self and all the rest. Pff! She'll never make it to the sixth level." the other girl continued.
"Honestly, I hope she doesn't make it. I hate competition and threats."
"Threats?" the other girl asked.
"Yes. She's a threat to me!"
"Oh my gosh, are you blind?? Did you see her picture? The one for the wall?"
"She's gorgeous! She was as pretty as all of us who'd applied make up. I can't stand someone being prettier or richer than me!"
Wow. She had serious and stupid problems.
I heard them leave and I followed, shortly after.
By eleven, I got bored. I wasn't in any mood to dance, drink or flirt and so I decided to go back to the house. I needed a good night sleep.
I left the living room and entered the hallway from which we'd come. As I walked, I looked at the sigma babies' pictures. On the pics, each of them took different poses or postures. They had on black sweats on the pictures, instead of white.
I continued to stare as I walked down the corridor. And I then saw Lucas's own picture

Baby faced like the seniors had laughed.
I left the party and went straight to the beta theta house. Not only was I tired and that my feet hurt really bad in the heels, but I was also very hungry.
I reached the house with three other girls.
I changed, ate and had a good rest.