
Chapter 12


We walked down the quarter's sidewalks, as silent as ever. Normal. What could we possibly talk about?

"Um so, where are you from, Harlem?" Megan broke the awkward silence.


"Oh okay. I'm from Oakland, California."


We continued to stroll until she spoke again.

"I know you think all the girls back at the house hate you. But that's not true. I don't hate you."

I looked at her, impassively.

"I'm serious. Instead, I wanna know you. I wanna learn how to be tough."

I found myself chuckling.


She smiled a little.

"I know it's odd to say but I mean it."

"What makes you think you can learn how to be tough with me?"

She raised a brow.

"Are you serious? Look at you. You're a clear example of independence. Tough is written all over your face."

I laughed at a little.

"You're crazy."

"I'm serious. Bree and Bella fear you. And so do the other girls. They can't do anything to you and that's why they prefer to gossip and minimize you, cuz that's the only way they can get to you."

Megan wasn't that quiet after all.

I didn't answer her and continued to stroll. We reached the cafeteria and I looked at my time. It was nine. Great! I was starting to feel hungry.

Other people too were arriving.

"I'm going in for breakfast." I told Megan,  "You coming or nah?"

She seemed to brighten up a little.

"Oh, you want me to join you?"

I raised a brow with a confused expression.

"Sure? You're not hungry?"

"Oh, I am. I'm just– you know what? Forget it. Let's go."

She was one strange kid.

We entered the cafeteria and joined the line.

Soon we were served and went to look for a table, our trays in our hands.

We found a table and sat down. I was about to eat when I noticed Rick and two of his friends pass by. When he saw me, he stopped and made his way towards our table.

"Good morning, ladies." he said, casually.

"Good morning." Megan replied, blushing.

"Hi." I said.

"I saw y'all yesterday, right? Beta babies?"

"Yes." Megan quickly replied. I stared at her, a brow raised in disbelief. "You remember us?" she added, smiling.

Rick smirked at her before saying,

"No." Then he turned to me, "I remember her."

"Oh..." Megan muttered.

I looked at him without speaking.

"Sorry honey, but I didn't get your name last night." he said, eying me. I felt immediately disgusted. He was handsome, yes, but clearly a jerk too.

"I gat no name, honey." I replied casually and taking a bite into my bread.

His friends chuckled and he smirked.

"Still tough, huh?" he asked, amused.

I smirked and cocked my head.


He stared at me for some time.

"I like you already."

I rolled my eyes.

"Really? Oh, I'm flattered but honestly, senior year dudes are too old for me." I lied.

"I can make you change you're mind."

Was he serious? I tried not to roll my eyes a second time.

"Seriously? Please, I'm trynna eat."

He smiled and stepped back.

"Alright. Bonne appetite." he turned and left.

I looked at Megan who stared at me, wide eyed.

"Were you serious??" she asked.


"Seniors are too old??"

"I was trying to drive him away." I mused.

"Oh. Wow. Wish I could act like you."

I looked at her.

"Girl, if you wanna be tough, then stop showing your twenty seven to thirty two teeth to the first guy who approaches you, whether hot or not."

"Oh." she put a hand over her mouth, reddening.

"Yup." I continued to eat.

We were still enjoying our meal when someone said,

"Enjoy your meal."

We both looked up to see Lucas by our table. He smiled down at me.

"Oh, hi Lulu." I teased with a chuckle. His smile faded and he rolled his eyes.

"Seriously? Oh, please don't start too." he said. Then he turned to Megan.

"Uh, hi."

"Hi." she smiled.

He then turned to me.



He reddened a little.

"Are we friends now?"

What? I looked up at him, amused.

"Nope. We're classmates."

"Um, okay. For the moment." he stated and walked away. I stared after him, surprised at the answer he'd given me.

"Oh my gosh, who's that?" Megan asked.

"I don't know. I just know he's called Lucas."

"He's so cute!"

"Beautiful, I'd say. Cute too." I mused.

Megan laughed.

"Yeah. Is he your type?" she asked.

I raised a sarcastic brow at her.

"Are you kidding me? My type is Rick, but less flirty. And I have a boyfriend already."

"Oh. That means, Lucas's is free?"

"Don't ask me. Go ask him."


Monday was the same thing. We got up at five and went running. We had to be done by six so we could get ready for classes at seven. This time around, no girl received a bowl of cold water.

The sky was still dark and places were cold.

I was last in line as we jogged. I loved to be a little separated from the group.

As we ran, I noticed someone sitting behind one of the beautiful campus bushes. I recognised the hairstyle. Lucas again. What was he doing there?

With no one paying attention to me at the back, I stopped running and went to see him. He didn't see me approach.

"Uh, what the hell are you doing sitting here?" I asked. He turned surprised.

"Uh, hi Harlem. Hiding."

I noticed he was wet from the top. I laughed.

"You were late, aye?"

"That's the problem. I wasn't. Yet they still poured some ice cold water on me. If that's their way of showing that they like me, then no thanks."

I squatted next to him.

"That's a good thing I think."


"If they treat you like that, it means they like you. And it also means that your place as a sigma is guaranteed. Plus, you might be appointed leader of the freshmen."

He stared at me.

"You're serious?"

"Wanna bet?"

"Uh, not really."

"Chillax. Watch and see." I stood up to leave.

"You're leaving?"

"Yes. And you should too before the sigma discover that you ain't jogging with them."

I then ran to catch up with the others.