By three AM, I heard some girls downstairs. I hoped Brianna and Bella were amongst those who'd returned.
Silently, I heard the girls walk up the staircase and into the corridor. They were laughing drunkenly and were happy as ever. I heard their voices among. Perfect.
I waited patiently in my own room for an hour so I was sure the bitches were asleep.
Quietly, I got out of my bed and tip toed my way out into the corridor. There was darkness in the entire house. Everyone was asleep.
On my toes, I made my way to Brianna's room. I opened her door and got in. The bitch was asleep, on the floor. She was so drunk, she'd missed her bed. She'd left her room's light on. Dumbass.
I walked up to her and squatted.
Carefully, I took a blade out of my pocket and began to shave her brows.