Later that day, Lucas and I went out of campus for a snack. Guess who we met on the streets, a little distance away from the university.
She was walking towards us, laughing and discussing with another classmate of ours.
"Uh, oh." Lucas mumbled.
I walked up to her and stood in their way. She stared at me confused, she tried to go right, I blocked her, she tried left, I blocked her.
"Uh, do I know you? You're in my way." she frowned, folding her arms.
I laughed, sarcastically.
"Oh, so you don't remember me?"
"I'm the ghetto bitch. Remember?"
Her eyes widened and she turned to the boy by her and grabbed his hand.
"Let's go." she tried to pull him along but I blocked her again.
"No, no, no, girl. You're not going nowhere."
I felt Lucas come up behind me and whisper,
"Hon, you wouldn't want to get in trouble. Ignore and let's go."