"So you went partying yesterday aye?" I asked Lucas. He didn't Answer but silently stared at me.

Like he was lost in the air.
"Lucas?!" I yelled. He finally smiled.
"You're beautiful this morning." he said. I stared at him, lost. Was he tipsy?
"Did you drink for your first time yesterday?" I asked, amused.
"No. I'm just really really tired."
"What was the partying all about?"
"A friend's birthday. Went clubbing."
"So, you're trying to tell me that you still don't drink alcohol?"
"No I don't, honey. I've seen the effects it has on people. If I ever get drunk, I might start saying odd stuff or revealing my worst secrets. No thank you."
I laughed.
"That depends on how many glasses or bottles you consume. Anyway I'm here to give you the notes and propose to draw you after school."
He raised a brow at me and smirked.
"Why? You wanna hang my portrait in your room?"
"Shut up, idiot. It's for James." I mused.