The next day, I was going to have a class at one PM and so early that morning , I went to give my painting to James. He was satisfied, as always, with my work.
I returned fast enough for the class. I entered the amphitheatre in which we were to have that class, thirty minutes earlier. To my surprise, the class was already very full as people waited for the arrival of the professor.
I found a seat.
Yasmin had returned to Brownsville for good. She saw it better to stay with her mom who was sort of lonely without her. She was right.
I took my books out and waited patiently too. I put my earphones on and listened to music.
At that moment, Lucas entered class with two of his pals. As fresh as always. They were chatting and laughing together.
They walked up to find a seat. As they did, they passed close to where I was sitting. I was last in line of a particular column.