Soon enough it was Thursday. Yazz and I got up early to decide in which mall we would go to buy a dress for me. I needed a beautiful chic dress. I needed to look good on Saturday.
"We can still go to central mall." Yazz proposed.
"Are you kidding me?? I heard many other girls plan for central mall. I wouldn't want to end up having the same dress as another that day. Yasmin I need something unique. So all those common malls, are out of my list."
"Hm, you're right. Lemme get your laptop. Let's see if we can get something really chic online." she said and stood up to go get the laptop.
Never had I been so stressed. My mom was out. I stressed because I needed something really unique and out of common.
I was still contemplating when there was a knock at the door. I went to it and opened.
My eyes almost dropped out of their sockets.
"LUCAS!" I screamed happily.