Chapter One


I threw punch after punch at the whimpering boy on the floor, I had long lost count of how many bones I had broken.

”Pathetic.” I spat out, indeed he was pathetic, o weak, can’t even handle a few punches. “Drew, I need a new punching bag.”

My best friend Andrew gave me an knowing look before marching through the hallway, looking for a new victim. I glanced at the beaten boy on the floor, my whole boy shivered with need to see him in pain. I smirked, in a swift move, I slammed my foot into his crouch.






“I heard you broke someone’s dick today Xav.” Ty chuckled, “his parents threw a fit in front of the principal, demanding for you to be punished.”

Z snorted, obviously thinking the same thing, those lowlife thought they could demand justice, they should be grateful that their son was picked to be sacrificed for my pleasure. There’s no chance that the principal, my older brother Xander would ever let anything happen to me.

Can’t blame them though, I really wish I can see Xavier getting his ass handled one day.”

Z and AJ grinned at each other before slapping their palms together like the fools they are.

”You and I both AJ-“


Fuck, it’s that bitch again. My wolf Xane piped in.

Ever wondered how my parents actually like her?

Many times.

I greeted the crazy girl, Marrietta De Ponte, a family friend of mine, meaning that I can’t do shit to her no matter how much she pisses me off. She’s our school’s slut, despite her rich parents, she had a job.

Jobs actually. Job number one is to tell everyone we’re her mate, job number two is selling her body to every moving object that has a fucking dick.

Glaring at the girl clinging like glue onto my arm, I signalled for my snickering friends for help. It wasn’t like Marrietta wasn’t pretty or anything. No, she’s beautiful, she has a natural beauty like her mother. Shame that she caked her face with makeup and became a whore instead.

In the corner of my eyes I saw AJ take out his phone before handing it to Tyler. Then snatching the blazer Zane had in his arms before putting it on. God knows what this boy is planning it as long as it get this mad girl away I’m fine with it.

”Darlin’ Marriet-“

”It’s Marrietta.” The girl sneered, before smiling at me with the sweetest and fakest smile she could manage whilst forcefully shoving her boobs into my face, her legs parted seductively, making me cough in disgust because guess what. She wasn’t wearing anything to cover up here loose hole.

”Darlin’ Marrietta, please, I wrote a song for you. it would be an honour if I could perform for you in front of everyone.” AJ grinned, letting his awful French accent loose, his eyes shone bright with hope.

Hope my ass.

Marrietta looked suspiciously at the boy, but made no move to stop him. After all, having a Master of Inferno lusting after her would boosts her ego and popularity.

AJ gestured towards Ty, and soon, music filled the air. The boy cleared his thought, “twinkle twinkle little whore, close your legs you’re not a door. You’re gonna catch an STD, you’re only wanted cuz’ you’re free. Twinkle twinkle little whore, you’re cheaper than the dollar store.”

Drew choked on his spit.

Zane snorted, pulling away from the girl he was kissing.

Ty smirked, filming the song and Marrietta’s reaction.

Nicely done.

Horror washed over the girl’s face, the whole school was watching, laughing and snickering at her. Marrietta glanced at me for help, she can keep dreaming.

I sighed, having enough of her chest shoving against me, I pushed her boobs off my chest.

”Marrietta, please, I know it might come as a surprise for you but your boobs goes inside your shirt, and stays there.

You bet, we don’t need two meaty balloons being shoved into our face every second of the day.

The girl gasped dramatically, her hands flying to her chest. “How dare you humiliate me like this Xavier! You’ll be hearing from my father!”

I’m gonna sue her for all that screeching she’s doing, gonna make me deaf one day.

”Yes yes, go to your daddy, tell hi how much of a slut you’re. Your mate will be so disappointed in you Marrietta. I mean, I feel pity for whoever is mated to you. After all, you’re used. You reek of a different man’s scent everyday. I wouldn’t be surprised if he rejects you.”

”Damn sugar coat it Xav!” I could hear Drew trying to whisper-yell ove the ooooo’s of the crowd, “you’re gonna get in trouble!”

You’re definitely going to be hearing from my father! Hmph!

”You’re definitely going to be hearing from my father! Hmph!”

Xane: 1, Xavier: 0

This is not a competition X.

Yes it is. You’re only saying that cuz’ you’re losing-

“Xavi! XAVIER! God damnit! I said, you’ll be hearing from my father.”

I rolled my eyes, walking pass the screeching girl to my friends.

Pathetic. Pathetic.


Don’t be such a baby X, jinx is so old.

Is not.

Is so.

Is not.

Is so.

Is no-


He sounds like Bretman Rock.

Who’s Bretman Rock?

You’re such a dumbass. Bretman Rock is the dude with he hot ass.


Xane: 2, Xavier: 0

Fuck you.

That’s, what was it again? Bestiality. Yeah, Sex between a human and non-human, animals to be exact. No thanks, if anything, I should be the one doing the fucking.

Blocking X off, I focused on a screeching AJ.

”Yeah thanks whatever.”

Before AJ could keep ranting, Z butted in, “there’s a new student coming tomorrow. His name is-“


”Cut it out AJ, you’re not my fucking best friend, as I was saying, his name is Miles Winter, an omega, and gay.”

”So a faggot?” Came Ty’s reply.

”Gross.” I think that’s Drew.

”What does he look like?” That’s definitely me.

Z handed us a thin file, flipping through the pages, and holy shit he is cute. I could tell from the other boys’ reaction, they were stunned by his beauty too.

”Damn, I would totally fuck his sexy ass.”

”AJ that’s disgusting.”

”Stop being homophobic Drew! You know he is cute and you’d fuck him too.”

”AJ’s not wrong though, he’s a damn cutie and I’d definitely fuck him.”

”So like a threesome Z?”

”No, like a foursome because Drew wants to fuck him too.” Z smirked before turning to Ty and I, “what about you guys? Wanna join?”

Ty shrugged before glancing at me.

”I’m not sharing.”

Z gave me a suspicious look, “you-“