CHAPTER 10: Experience learning

Qi ji was taken aback and raised his brows at her. "Your father didn't tell you?"

"Hmm. Hmm. Why don't you tell me instead grandpa?" she nodded vigorously.

"that…" he stops his words quickly before he could say a thing" if he didn't tell you, that means he doesn't want you to know"

Yu yue's eyes dimmed in dismay, she almost tricked this old fella why does he have to be so sharp.

Seeing her downcast eyes elder Qi ji quickly added, "just listen to your elders, it's for your own good"

"en, I understand grandpa" she nodded dejectedly. One day she would get the nswers by hook or by crook.

"Yeah, you want to go outside and see the world right?" elder Qi ji quickly changed the topic to lighten up the mood.

"En" yu yue nods her head slightly.

"with your strength you might not be able to get out of the snowy plane alive let alone see the world" he snorted.

"I know that's why I'm working really hard" yu yue pouted as she glared at the old man. Just now he's been singing praises to her but now he quickly takes back his words.

Seeing her like, that elder Qi ji can't bear to criticize her further so he fakes a cough and added. "lucky for you, we send out disciples for experience learning outside every year, a year and a half from now on another batch would be sent out." elder Qi ji said with a mysterious smile.

Yu yue appreciate his kind reminder as her thoughts run wild for a moment as she made some calculations.

"But aren't they too young to go experience learning then grandpa?" she blurted without thinking much after she compared those disciples to her.

Elder Qi ji's eyes rolled at her as if she's an idiot. "they're a year or two older than you, usually if nothing unexpected happen we would send out disciples at age 12 and 13" He rebuked while mentally liting up a stick of incense for those disciples. They are talented too, that those disciples from the outside are like earth and sky in comparison to them until this little monster came.

Yu Yue's eyes widened at the realization. "so you mean if I'm just a normal disciple I have to wait two more years?" she said with surprised as if people with talent like her are like cabbages falling from the sky.

"what are you so surprised for? As if we all have snow lotus physique too" he said in derision. He too is unreconciled, when he's about yu yue's age, he's just half as talented.

"hehe.." she smiled sheepishly while scratching her ear. It's really not her fault though, she assumed 18 is a legal age in this world as well like in her previous life.

"usually Fei hu and zui qiang would be the one to accompany the disciples for experience learning so you can go along with them. That is if you managed to advanced to qi condensation at that time." He added with a challenging smile as if really looking forward into it.

"hmmp. We will see by then" yu yue snorted but deep inside she's already having plans.

"by the way grandpa, why did you come in here again?" she asked after they finished eating.

"Hmm. Can't I come here for no reason?" elder Qi ji snorted as he flicks his sleeves lightly and a thick stack of books appeared.

"Hehe. Of course you could grandpa. But aren't you supposed to be in seclusion?" she quickly tries to act cute to pacify this old man.

"hmmp" elder Qi ji squints his eyes on her.

"ahem!" she fakes a cough and quickly change the topic. "so what is this book for?" she asked with curiosity. Surely this old man really didn't come in here for nothing.

"I've been compiling a book of a simplified version arrays" He said with dead seriousness as he stared at her deeply as if determining her qualification.

"eh!" yu yue gasps "didn't you say I have to work hard on my cultivation right now so I can join the disciples for experience learning right?" but the next word she says angered the old man.

He was expecting her to jump up and down joyously full of gratitude but….

"what do you know you little brat? Of course what I said earlier I meant it that's why you also need to learn arrays because it would save you lot of trouble specially if you go outside for experience learning. I personally wrote this book and I finished it quickly because I want to give it to you before going back to seclusion but you didn't appreciate it" He fumed as he tried to grab the book back but yu yue quickly hold unto it and swept it inside her spacial ring without any sense of embarrassment at all.

"Hehe. grandpa I was just joking; you don't have to be so serious"

"hmp.hmmp." the old man snorted and it take quite a while for yu yue to pacify him.

After interacting a lot with him she already knows how to get along with him.