CHAPTER 18: The Contract (2)

Little black acted, as if in understanding poke one of his own paws with his own sharp nails. A drop of blood drops on yu yues palm and yu yue use a needle to poke one of her fingers and squeeze a drop of blood mixing little black's blood and start forming the contract.

The others watched on with excited fervor as if they're the ones forming the contract.

A golden light envelops both yu yue and little black for a moment before it gets absorbed inside their bodies and they both advance in rank.

Everyone stared stunned speechless at the side. "the third miss is really a genius" zui kang said with tears. Third mist keeps advancing, she now gets ahead of them even though she's a year or two younger than them.

"She's a monster" ye sheng said a little enviously.

"yeah she is, we should stop comparing ourselves to her" Qi wei'er said as determination flashed in her eyes.

"Right" ye fan agreed with determination as well.

"So we should work hard to improve ourselves as well just like the third miss" hei man solemnly reminded everyone and they all nodded in agreement as a strong determination to grow stronger envelops them.

Yu yue didn't know that she already become an idol for this young disciples.

Little white opened his eyes wide awake sensing the golden light and also went to yu yues side after little black howls at him gently.

Little white shivers after little black told him to prick his paws for blood.

Yu yue stared at the two blankly. 'What's going on here?'

As if understanding her little black explained "s-scared" a cute little voice sounded on yu yue's head.

She was stunned at first then said aloud. "Scared of what?" she asked doubtfully.

"b-blood" "faints…before" a stuttering cute male voice explained to her incoherently as if embarrassed to say it out loud

Yu yue almost laugh aloud but she gently pats little white after understanding how he feels. She understands not long after seeing little white looking for his mother's body. He was apparently terrified of blood and fainted from it earlier that's why he was rather breathing weakly once he comes out. He thought he would need to bleed just like his mother.

Yu yue hugs him gently while feeding him patiently as well as little black. She calmed him down first then explained patiently like to a child after.

So when elder fei opened his eyes he saw this scene and asked everyone what's going on and finally understood.

Everyone waits patiently at the side until little white compromised however yu yue used a needle instead to prick one of his paws and he fainted right after again after the contract was formed.

Yu yue didn't advance again this time but she could feel that the qi inside her dantian increases.

After that they all quickly rush towards zhiuzi town by afternoon.

Just as its name zhiuzi town, it is full of towering bamboos outside the town.

They all agreed to rest in an inn first to shop and buy some supplies before separating.