CHAPTER 22: Little fatty

A little fatty who was just trying to enter a restaurant called tian cai restaurant with an entrance full of gold intricate patterns.

"You can't get inside, just based on your look, you can't even possibly afford our cheapest dish. Get lost" the guard at the door kick him away like a fly when little fatty was just about to enter full of smiles.

The surrounding people all laugh in mockery specially those so called young masters and misses from noble families.

They all snickered loudly in contempt, looking down on the little fatty who was struggling to get up with an angry face.

Yu Yue's forehead furrowed at the scene. She now sees the ugly reality in this world. Just because he looks not so flashy with his clothes he can't even step a foot inside? Just what kind of dishes are they serving? Made of gold?

As the little fatty was about to stand up the other guard stomp his foot on his back and he ends up diving back again face first.

"ahhh. This young master is going to cut your legs" the little fatty screamed in agony but nobody takes him seriously. They all instead laugh at him hard.

"hmph you don't even have the strength to stand back how dare you threatened me. If you want to cut my legs at least have some ability" the guard snorted contemptuously.

Little fatty fainted in pain and the guards kick him farther and the crowd disperse as if nothing just happened.

Seeing this, yu yue's hands clenched as she grits her teeth at those people as she went near towards the pitiful fatty who fainted in pain.

'strength, so this is how's it like in this world. Strength is the justice' she thought full of determination, if this happens to anyone from her family she can't take it lying down. Even if she helps, what can her pitiful strength do?

Although she's a genius with the rarest physique her strength is still not worth mentioning compared to those generations before her.

She quickly checks his pulse while injecting her qi expertly and feed him a pill discreetly. She feels like helping him out of pity.

"Broken arms and two ribs. Those people are really cruel" she muttered without noticing a middle age man who just arrived, standing at the side.

When patriarch de yan heard her diagnosed his son skillfully he was stunned seeing how young this girl is and she already have high skills but he quickly gets over it seeing how badly injured his foolish son.

He immediately asked, "little miss, can you do something to help my son?" he asked worriedly, though he wasn't expecting much.

Seeing the middle age man who appeared so suddenly and asking her worriedly, yu yue paused and answered honestly. "uncle don't worry; he would be fine after he wakes up. I already feed him a healing pill"

"no that won't do, how can a red grade level 1 pill help, he still needs to see a physician right away" he said anxiously as he took out red grade level 2 pills. Although this son of him is a little foolish and a glutton he dotes on him very much.

He's really angry but he can't do a thing about it because he heard this tian cai restaurant was owned by one of qiuling kingdom's prince so he can only gnash his teeth with hatred and cursed those people.

He didn't think this little girl is this foolish but who would casually give away red grade high level pills? so he didn't totally believe her.

"Uhmm uncle don't worry it's a red grade level 5 pill so he should be fine plus I also feed him two other red grade level 5 blood coagulation and qi replenishing pill so he should be waking up soon I think" she patiently explained seeing his disbelief.

"WHAT!!!?" Patriarch de blurted loudly attracting few peoples glances in their direction.

He stiffened with wide eyes, his japs drop to the ground. He can't even buy red grade level 5 pills with money yet this little girl just casually said she feed it to his son and 3 pills at that. He won't believe it, this little girl must be boasting but soon enough he saw with his own eyes his son waking up and when he checks his pulse, his condition is truly no longer as grave as he imagined.

"so it's true, it must be really the highest red grade level 5 pills" he sighed with emotion but quickly blurted. "right what a waste, now how can we repay her. This is definitely expensive so expensive" he was now again full of worry.

Hearing his own father mumbling to himself when he regained his consciousness the little fatty asked curiously. "father what do you mean by 'what a waste?'"

Patriarch de quickly answered back without reservation. "she feeds you the highest red grade level 5 pills" he muttered softly as he looks warily left and right and covered his mouth quickly.

Although alchemists in the lower realm could refine pills of red and green grades, the alchemists are rare and only few of this people can only be found in the central region. In arctic and outer region their existence is close to none at all that's why there's always a short supply of pills and it's all low levels.

Besides when they are well known big forces would fight over them so for the ordinary people they were just left with scraps like level 1. 2 and 3 red grade pills.