CHAPTER 51: Illusion array

The others smiled at yu yue's sight. She was really joyous with this surprised. She even teared up as she hugs and showered them with praises forgetting how angry she was earlier because she feels like her little children grows up rather too quickly.

"finally my efforts of raising you guys wasn't in vain, you're useful now so I would just punish you later lightly" she jokes as she pats their heads.

Little black stiffened and little white shivered. They look at her pitifully with tearful eyes like yu yue abandoned them.

Yu yue can't bear them acting sad and pitiful so she quickly took her words back.

The rest shook their heads with smiles.

"hehe little yu yue why don't you let them have a bite then" little fatty said with smiles.

Yu yue glared back at him. Right, she almost forgot who make her adorable babies like this.

"hmmp. Just you wait little fatty. Once uncle Xing He saw you again and you didn't improve much you'd be done for" yu yue smiled at him sinisterly seeing how his face quickly change, showing shades of fear.

He gulps and store his food on his cosmos sack.

After yu yue give them spacial rings each they copied her extravagance and also use their cosmos sacks as food storage. If others saw them like this, they might faint from anger and envy.

"right, uncle master might beat you up into a pulp directly" zhuang lan guffawed. Adding oil to the fire.

"Right, we might just leave you here if that happens as we travel around" tian wuxian smiled like a fox as he narrowed his eyes at little fatty.

"Right right" si xiao xiao and hai xingze echoed in unison. Enjoying little fatty's ever changing expression of misery.

"you all!!!" little fatty shook his fists while pointing at them angrily. What luck does he have to have such group of evil friends? He sulks weeping with bitter tears at his own misery.

In fact, little isn't a little fatty anymore. Yu yue used to be taller than him and after going through Xing He's merciless hands little fatty grow up taller and he lose weight too.

His contours changed into a handsome youngster but they just want to tease him like that and besides his love for delicious foods never change and they're used to calling him like that. Although yu yue is also a foodie herself she didn't gain so much weight at all.

Being overweight is bad for cultivators because it hinders their advancement as the body fats block their meridians.

But she grows a little taller too, she still has a childish adorable contour but there's more of a beautiful young lady touch into it.

The rest also become more and more good-looking and the auras they're emitting are much calmer and steadier than before.

As they were happily chatting they heard a loud rumble as the earth shook violently.

Yu yue quickly called back little white and little back inside her as she glances at everyone.

Everyone's eyes also turned sharp. Their senses working to it's full capacity.

They quickly head towards the entrance of the cave to exit the place, it seems like it's going to collapse soon as rocks starts falling on their heads.

"everyone moves quickly!" si xiao xiao shouted out loud in urgency.

"where's the end of this Tunnel? Is this normally that long?" tian wuxian asked anxiously because they have been running and fleeing so fast like never before yet they haven't seen the entrance yet.

Yu yue's face also changed as a terrifying guess crossed her mind. 'this must be an illusion array of high level' but she didn't linger on that possibility because it also frightens her.

But soon enough they're already out of breath as the entire cave rumbled again and the ceiling collapse.

"CAREFUL!!" she shouted anxiously and right after that she lost her consciousness and everything turns dark.