CHAPTER 83: Young master zhou

The wu family's guards carried young master wu cang back to their manor in embarassment.

Once he wakes up he saw the person he's most afraid to see.

Young master zhou was sipping tea on his bedside.

He opened his eyes wide as he frantically kowtowed.

"Young master zhou please spare my life" he kowtowed vigorously without minding the pain.

Young master zhou simply sips his tea quietly and watched on coldly.

Wu cang keeps kowtowing until he almost falls unconscious again, thankfully young master zhou finally put his tea cup down and spoke coldly.

"You failed" he smiled without reaching his eyes calmly as if it didn't affect him but wu cang knows well this person's cruel method.

He shivered and reasoned. "it's not my fault, the five great clans interfered" he then went on to explain everything that transpired in the shop.

Young master zhou pondered for a while before chuckling with malice.

"I heard the city lord of hundred flower city seems to be at odds with the five great clans right?" he said with deep meaning.

Wu cang was stunned, he has no idea what this person is thinking but he's having a bad premonition.

Although young master zhou jun has a calm unruffled expression he would kill mercilessly whoever cross paths with him, he always managed to get whatever he wants.

He wouldn't usually bother at such measly small shop but there's something different under that shop, his mission is to released that thing.

He would go to such length if he needs to, just to obtain his goal, that's why he was chosen to do this in the first place.

Besides they would get rid of the five great clans for good sooner or later so it doesn't matter if he gets rid of them earlier.

"you don't have to do anything for now" he said with a small smile and he disappeared on the spot.

Wu cang could guess where he headed but he didn't say anything.

Young master zhou promise to give him the advancement pill, it's a red grade level 5 pill. He did his part but failed so he shouldn't get involved further. Although, he didn't get the pill in the end he managed to keep his little life.

He thought simply, in the first place he was just a pawn who can't say no to that person.

Thankfully, he wasn't as foolish as his older brother who died just because he stubbornly refused that young master's offer.

Two months ago this person came into their house personally wanting to buy that shop, but wu san refused without hesitation no matter how young master zhou persuaded and coerce him. In the end he died in sickness but wu cang knows well that's not the case.

This young master poisoned his older brother and when the city physician checks his body it appears like he died of illness suddenly.

Lady shanshou and little shan shan didn't know what happened back then because they're attending on the shop.

Young master zhou disdained dealing with the small fries so he tasked this foolish wu cang who failed miserably.

If not because he can't make a huge commotion so suddenly in this city and might alarmed the paranoid city lord, but now he doesn't have a choice.

If he didn't want to exposed his identity he would have long dealt with madam shanshou personally.

Besides it might raise suspicion if madam shanshuo and little shan shan died right after wu san died. He used this wu cang instead because it's common in this world to have shameless relatives besides a widowed woman would lose its status once her husband dies and this won't catch the city lord and the five great clan's attention.

Thankfully, one of his subordinates investigate around and heard that the city lord is at odds with the five great clans.