CHAPTER 87: Deep longing

He lifts the poor guy up to the left and to the right then mumbled, "so this is how holding a child feels like. I should prepare myself when yue'r give birth to our child. Good! Good! I should come here often to practice with you. Hahahaha" the divine lord laughed heartily with his imagination not minding the sullen look of a certain little lord.

"stop wasting your energy, brother in law" he smiled roguishly as he pokes his white tender cheeks teasingly.

Ming xi wang fumed angrily as he tried flailing around kicking and punching the shameless guy angrily to no effect.

Before he could say anything in rebuke, yu yue's anxious voice rang out.

"Xing er? Yu ling? Is everything alright?" she called out from the outside without waiting for them as she hurriedly came inside.

The divine lord was fast enough to retrived his divine powers and get out of the room after placing little xi wang back down to the bed.

Xi wang also cooperated well and play asleep.

So when yu yue entered the room she saw him sound asleep.

Yu ling and xing er also answered her in unison immediately right after she asked, not showing anything off.

"Third miss why are you back suddenly?" xing er ask doubtfully.

"right miss?" yu ling was also puzzled.

"Oh right, that's weird. I feel like something's off but butler white wasn't able to detect anything but something feels off" she muttered but the little overlord pretending to be asleep heard her loud and clear.

A certain someone also heard her loud and clear while looking at her somewhat familiar face yet unfamillair at the same time.

His eyes widened in recognition as this is the interesting girl he saw several years ago in the arctic region being robbed but she almost robs the robbers instead.

Back then she still looks childish and he was just looking from afar so he didn't notice her familiar face.

Self blame crept in his heart, if those people wants to harm her and he didn't do anything to save her he would regret it for eternity.

He always let her beloved get harmed, he already vowed not to let the same thing happened before but….. he clenched his fists tightly as he made some calculations.

He can't wait any longer and while waiting she might fall for other guys… he thought sourly.

It's already hard to be with her just having a dark overlord brother now it's even harder to get closer with her. He sighed bitterly as he looks at her with deep affection and love.

His eyes went into a daze as he vividly remembered their past lives.

Unlike her he already reincarnated about 20 years before she reincarnated back to this world.

When he was in the middle realm he was there when the dark overlord reincarnated and he made some investigations and found out about their family and he finally found her whereabouts.

He was in the higher realm when her legendary mother was chase around, he was also in the middle realm when her twin phoenix sister reincarnated and he was also present when the dark overlord reincarnated.

But fate seems to played with him because he's either too late or unable to recognized them.

Thankfully the dark overlord reincarnated with the memory of the past so he was able to tell.

His heart wretched in pain when he looks at yu yue's back, why wasn't he able to recognize the person he loves the most back then at first glance? He only stops then because he feels something for her back then.

He still blames himself for not coming to her rescue when she's being robbed.

"My lord why not go to her?" his subordinates asked curiously seeing his master's ever changing expression full of sadness and longing.

The divine lord didn't answer him and just stayed silent looking at the figure of his beloved.

He wasn't able to recognize her back then because he hadn't meet her before when she's younger, he only meets her when she's 16 and yu yue's looks changed drastically, now she's starting to looks like the celestial princess.