CHAPTER 100: Blue thunder snake’s blood

After ascertaining that there are no other unrelated people anymore yu yue quickly flashed the purple butterwort man eating flower inside the space with a wave of her hand, another waves and their surroundings change.

For most of them this is their first time entering the space, although they were surprised and feeling excited they didn't dawdle anymore as they start attacking the queen flower.

"everyone, attack its main flower, that one with the darkest shade of purple" yu yue said when she could clearly see its true appearance because it can't borrow its body under the ground anymore, butler white manipulate the space to flower queen's disadvantage.

"ahhh" someone shrieked as the purplish juice splash into his legs. It's one of yu yue's men under xing yi.

"take this" yu yue handed him a pill and as she poured greenish liquid medice on his corroded flesh.

"thank you miss" he said gratefully before taking the pill. He didn't think she's this good to her people, everyone noticed that too at the corner of their eyes.

Yu yue and xiao xiao didn't focus much on the fight as they quickly rushed to the injured person's side to provide treatment. Yu yue would treat the injured while xiao xiao would watch her back.

Little willow keeps suppressing the flower queen with his superior bloodline, he's still very weak in comparison so it only works for a few hours.

"the flower queen regenerates slowly now, everyone released your strongest attack" ancestor Zhuang shouted in urgency.

Everyone quickly gather all of their remaining spirit qi and they attack the main flower at once. With a loud bang sea of spiritual qi fluctuated. Thankfully, butler white have total control over the space so they werent affected by the impact.

It took more than a day inside the space to defeat the queen flower but outside it only took almost two hours, as yu yue advance the time in space also doubled two folds everytime.

With a bang the main body of purple butterwort man eating flower fall with a thud on the ground.

Seeing that it's still alive everyone's face quickly changed.

"it didn't actually die even after that" ancestor tian cried.

"hehe don't worry everyone, the flower queen can't attack and regenerate, besides the blue thunder snake's blood don't have any effects on her anymore" butler white said as he waved his paws and the purple flower disappeared.